
Imagine cruising down the open road, wind flowing through your hair, and the thrill of freedom pulsing through your veins. Ah, the joy of shifting into high gear and pushing the boundaries of speed! But wait, what exactly are those boundaries? We all know that speeding is against the law, but which of the following is not a speed law? Buckle up and join us on this exploratory ride as we unravel the truth behind these rules of the road. Grab your seatbelt and get ready to find out what lies beyond the limits of velocity!

Which Of The Following Is Not A Speed Law

There are several traffic laws in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all road users. One of the most common types of traffic laws is speed limits, which indicate the maximum speed at which drivers can legally operate their vehicles. Adhering to speed limits helps minimize the risk of accidents and promotes efficient traffic flow. However, not all regulations related to speeds fall under the category of "speed laws."

Speed limits, which establish the maximum allowable speed on a particular road, are an example of a speed law. These limits are typically indicated by signs and are in place to maintain safety on the road. Breaking the posted speed limit can result in fines, points on a driver's license, and increased insurance premiums.

However, there are other regulations related to speeds that do not fall under the definition of speed laws. These may include laws regarding minimum speeds on certain roads, restrictions on exceeding certain speeds when towing trailers or other vehicles, or regulations related to speed limitations in specific areas—such as school zones or construction sites. While these are still rules that govern speeds on the road, they are not typically referred to as "speed laws" as they address specific circumstances or conditions.

In summary, speed limits are a key component of speed laws, but there are additional regulations related to speeds that do not fall under the category of traditional speed laws. Understanding and adhering to all aspects of speed regulations is necessary for responsible and safe driving.

What Is the Basic Principle of Speed Laws?

Speed laws are regulations that dictate the maximum speed at which a vehicle can legally travel on a particular road or in a specific area. These laws are in place to ensure the safety of both the driver and other road users. Adhering to speed limits helps to minimize the risk of accidents, provides drivers with ample time to react to unexpected situations, and promotes smoother traffic flow.

What Factors Determine Speed Limits?

Several factors contribute to the determination of speed limits. One of the most crucial factors is the classification of the road. Highways, urban roads, residential neighborhoods, and school zones often have different speed limits based on their specific characteristics and the potential risks associated with them. Additionally, road conditions, such as curves, steep inclines, or narrow lanes, may also warrant lower speed limits to ensure safe maneuvering. Traffic density, the presence of pedestrians, weather conditions, and visibility are other factors that influence speed limits.

Are There Any Exceptions to Speed Laws?

While speed limits serve as general guidelines, there may be exceptions to these laws. For instance, emergency vehicles such as police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks are often allowed to exceed the established speed limits when responding to emergencies. However, even in these cases, drivers of emergency vehicles must exercise caution and use their lights and sirens to notify other drivers that they are approaching at high speeds.

What Are the Consequences of Violating Speed Laws?

Violating speed laws can have various consequences, depending on the jurisdiction and the severity of the offense. Common penalties for speeding include fines, traffic school, points on the offender's driving record, and even suspension or revocation of the driver's license. Additionally, excessive speeding can lead to more severe consequences, such as increased risk of accidents, injuries, or fatalities. It is crucial for all drivers to obey speed limits to maintain safety and prevent unnecessary penalties.

Which Of The Following Is Not A Speed Law. There are any Which Of The Following Is Not A Speed Law in here.

Picture this: you're in the thrilling world of Among Us, navigating through the treacherous spaceship in search of impostors. But amidst the chaos and deception, there's one question that keeps popping up in your mind: what on earth do you do with those pesky beans? Yes, those adorable little legumes that seem to be scattered all over the virtual spacecraft. Fear not, fellow crewmate! In this guide, we will delve into the mysterious realm of beans in Among Us and uncover their true purpose. So, fasten your seatbelts, tighten your spacesuit, and prepare for a bean-filled adventure like no other!

In Among Us, beans are a playful reference to the astronauts/crewmates that players control in the game. These bean-shaped characters perform various tasks and try to complete objectives while also trying to identify and eliminate any impostors that are hiding among them.

The main objective of crewmates is to complete tasks to keep the spaceship functioning smoothly. These tasks include fixing wires, diverting power, and downloading data among others. Beans can be seen running around the spaceship, interacting with objects, and completing these tasks. It is important for crewmates to stay vigilant and work together to identify any suspicious behaviors or actions by their fellow beans that may indicate an imposter.

Impostors, on the other hand, must deceive the crew by blending in and pretending to perform tasks. Their primary objective is to eliminate crewmates without getting caught. Impostors can sabotage the ship, create chaos, and even vent to move around undetected. Crewmates must hold emergency meetings to discuss their suspicions, gather evidence, and vote to eject anyone they believe to be an imposter.

In conclusion, beans in Among Us are the playable characters representing astronauts/crewmates. They engage in tasks and try to identify impostors, creating an exciting and suspenseful gameplay experience.

What can you do with beans in Among Us?

Beans in Among Us can be used for various tasks and activities in the game. Firstly, beans can be collected and traded with other players as a form of currency. Players can use beans to purchase cosmetic items such as hats, skins, and pets to customize their in-game character. These cosmetic items do not affect gameplay but add a fun and unique touch to each player's appearance.

Additionally, beans can also be utilized to participate in mini-games or tournaments within the Among Us community. These events often require an entry fee, usually in the form of beans, and offer the opportunity to compete against other players in various challenges or competitions. Winning these events can earn players additional beans and exclusive rewards.

Lastly, beans can be donated to charity events organized by the Among Us development team. These events allow players to contribute their beans towards a collective goal, with each donation going towards a charitable cause. By using beans in Among Us, players can enjoy personalization options, engage in community activities, and even contribute to meaningful causes.

How can beans help players communicate in Among Us?

Beans can serve as a unique and quirky way for players to communicate with each other in Among Us. While the game primarily relies on text chat or voice chat to communicate during matches, beans can add an extra layer of interaction. For example, players can use beans to create messages or signs in certain areas of the game's maps.

Players may line up beans to form arrows, symbols, or even words that others can follow or read. This form of communication can help guide teammates, provide hints, or create a fun and playful environment within the game. It allows for non-verbal communication and provides an additional means for players to express themselves creatively.

Moreover, beans have also been used as a form of currency for in-game trades or bounties, enabling players to negotiate and communicate their intentions outside of the regular chat channels. Whether it's through visual messages or through trading, beans can enhance communication and interaction among players in Among Us.

Can beans be used to uncover hidden secrets in Among Us?

Beans, unfortunately, do not possess any special abilities to uncover hidden secrets within Among Us. While they may be a fun and valuable in-game currency, they do not grant players any extra knowledge or special powers.

The primary objective of Among Us is to complete tasks and identify the impostors who are sabotaging the spaceship. Players must rely on their observation skills, communication with other players, and deductive reasoning to uncover the truth. Beans, although useful in other aspects of the game, do not play a role in revealing hidden secrets or identifying impostors.

It's important for players to focus on gameplay mechanics, communication, and teamwork rather than relying on beans to uncover hidden information. Success in Among Us comes from strategic thinking and collaboration, not from the possession of beans.

Limiting the use of beans to their designated functions allows for a fair and balanced gaming experience for all players.

What Do You Do With Beans In Among Us. There are any What Do You Do With Beans In Among Us in here.

Which Of The Following Sentences Is A Compound Sentence

"Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?" It can be difficult to identify a compound sentence without proper context. To determine if a sentence is a compound sentence, it is important to consider the number of subjects and verbs in the sentence. If there are two or more subjects and verbs, it is likely a compound sentence. For example, both "She cooked dinner, and he washed the dishes" and "I went to the store, but I didn't buy anything" are compound sentences.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Which of the following does not belong to the Four Basic Sentence?Select one:a. Simpleb. Imperativec. Compoundd. Complex​


Manakah dari berikut ini yang tidak termasuk dalam Empat Kalimat Dasar?

Pilih satu:

Sebuah. Sederhana

b. Imperatif

c. Senyawa

d. Kompleks

Yang terbaik dari semua hal yang dipertimbangkan:



maaf kalo salah semoga membantu kamu ya

2. which of the following is the correct adjective compound?A. a big green eyes B.Heart beats fastC.A blue book which is oldD.A boy who is clever

A. A big green eyes

maaf kalo salah kalo bener semoga bermanfaat

3. which of the following is the correct adjective compound?A. a big green eyes B.Heart beats fastC.A blue book which is oldD.A boy who is clever​

A.a big green eyes semoga membantu

4. Give the name of the following compound!


Answers. D. FePO4 following compound.

5. Choose one of the following topics, and write a paragraph by using simple, compound, and complex sentences

Pilih salah satu dari topik berikut, dan tulis sebuah paragraf dengan menggunakan kalimat sederhana, majemuk, dan kompleks

6. say if the following sentence are : simple ,compound,complex or compound complex1. the bell rang

The bell rang.

The sentence above is simple

7. 1. Make 3 sentences and analyse the word levels 2. Make 5 sentences of simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence 3. Make 3 sentence of active voice and change to passive voice​


Simple sentence

1. I come.

2. The boy cried.

3. Canada is a rich country.

4. The girl ran into her bedroom.

5. Some studentslike to study in the morning.

Compound sentence

1. The puppy had lost her bone soshe was feeling sad.

2. I invited my friends over andwe had a fun time.

3. We ate pasta for dinner and we ate jelly for dessert.

4. I like the colour purple but red is my favorite colour.

5. It was cold outside sowe wore our winter coats.

Complex sentence

1. I am going to stay up and work on my project.

2. She is going to go to work.

3. I thought he was different.

4. I wonder if it will ever stop.

5. I can find time to see you.




8. please conduct a paragraph which has simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound-complex sentence. Choose one of the following topics : 1. Early Marriage 2. Global Warming 3. Divorced. help me please. thanks

klo menurut aku sih 2. Global warming

9. "modern technology by stark industry has made our lives more comfortable". the previous line is a kind of … * compound-complex sentence simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence




☞︎︎︎Terjemah Dalam Bahasa English ( Inggris)

"Teknologi modern oleh stark industri telah membuat hidup kita lebih nyaman ". Baris sebelumnya adalah semacam … *

Kalimat kompleks kompleks kompleks

Kalimat sederhana

Kalimat majemuk

Kalimat kompleks



☞︎︎︎Kalimat Sederhana.



☞︎︎︎Kalimat inti (sederhana) merupakan kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari inti subjek dan inti predikat. Kalimat sederhana merupakan kalimat yang strukturnya menjadi dasar struktur kalimat suatu bahasa . Kalimat itu ditandai oleh faktor kesesuaian bentuk makna, fungsi, kesederhanaan unsur, dan posisi atau urutan unsur.


☞︎︎︎The core sentence (simple) is one that consists only of the subject's core and predicate core. Simple sentences are sentences that form the basis of the structure of a sentence in language, which are marked by corresponding forms of meaning, function, simplicity of elements, and elemental positions or order.

-------------------------------------------------Detail Jawaban:

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris(english)

kelas: ...

Materi:Pembahasan Kalimat Sederhana


10. 1. state whether the sentence below is a simple sentence, a compound sentence, acomplex sentence or a compound complex sentence.1. One of the boys is not in the roomA simple sentenceb. compound sentenceo complex sentenced. compound complex sentence2. I didn't know about it but I believed he knew something.a simple sentenceb, compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence3. Whatever she does, I still love her, and I want her to be my wife.a simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence4. You have to finish the job before she arrivesa simple sentenceb. compound sentencee complex sentenced. compound complex sentence5. She and I have decided to get married soon.a simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence​


1. A. simple sentence

2. B. compound sentence

3. D. compound complex sentence

4. C. complex

5. A. simple sentence



11. Compound ?is theCorrectadjective1. which of the followingA Heart beatsbeats FastB. A boy who is cleverC.A big greeneyesD. A blue book which is old​


C. a big green eyes


maaf klo salah


12. 7. the students who has registered for marco economy class should come to the srminar,then,they should write report based on the seminar a.simple sentence b. compound sentencesc. complex sentence d. compound complex sentence8. a good students must have a high score target although the subject is difficulta. simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence9.the journal article taken as a writing source must be at issued the latest in two yearsa. simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentenceyang tau boleh bantu dong​


students" (dan kata-kata berikutnya) diabaikan karena batas kueri hanya sampai 32 kata. › ...PDF


maaf kalo salah

13. Antara berikut, yang manakah sebatian ion? Which of the following is an ionic compound? A). NaCl B) NH C ) HCI D). CO2​


NaCl karena terdiri dari logam dan non logam

14. I. state whether the sentence below is a simple sentence, a compound sentence, acomplex sentence or a compound complex sentence.1. One of the boys is not in the rooma. simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence2. I didn't know about it but I believed he knew something.a. simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence3. Whatever she does, I still love her, and I want her to be mywife.a. simple sentenceb. compound sentenceC. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence4. You have to finish the job before she arrivesa. simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced. compound complex sentence5. She and I have decided to get married soon,a. simple sentenceb. compound sentencec. complex sentenced.compound complex sentence​


1. a. simple sentence

2. b. compound sentence

3. d. compound complex sentence

4. c. complex sentence

5. a. simple sentence



15. what is the difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence

The difference between acompound sentence and complex sentence is that a compound sentence has two independent clauses and a complex sentence has one independent clause and one dependent clause. A sentence is a group of words that has a subject and a predicate.

16. Please Identify each of the following sentences as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. 3. Oaties stay oaty, and Wheat Chex stay floaty, and nothing can take the puff out of Puffed Rice. While fishing in the blue lagoon, I caught a lovely silverfish. ("The Silver Fish") : Compound Sentence


Harap Identifikasi setiap kalimat berikut sebagai sederhana, majemuk, rumit, atau kompleks-majemuk. 3. Oaties tetap oaty, dan Wheat Chex tetap mengapung, dan tidak ada yang bisa menghilangkan puff dari Puffed Rice. Saat memancing di laguna biru, saya menangkap ikan gegat yang indah. (The Silver Fish): Kalimat Majemuk





18. What Is The Definition Of Simple And Compound Sentence? *


A simple sentence contains one independent clause. A compound sentence contains more than one!

Put another way: a simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate, but a compound sentence contains more than one subject and more than one predicate.


Pada intinya Simple Sentence hanya mempunyai subjek dan predikat tunggal. Sedangkan Compound mempunyai subjek dan predikat lebih dari satu

19. 8.which of the following substance are element categories? b.air c.water d.sugar 9.which of the following substance are compound categories? a.oxygen b.hydrogen c.seawater d.sugar 13.if a molecule is made u from similar type of an atom,it is called a ... ? a.molecule of element b.molecule of an atom c.molecule of compund d.mixture 15.which of the following substance are mixture categories? a.oxygen b.pure water c.air d.sugar

jawabannya c.b.b.a maaf kalau salah




People should wear Mask andkeep social distancing from each other.

They Rushed to the Hospitalbut it was too late.


Doctor's are Doing their Job neatly, so that Covid-19 patients will be Cure Safely.

Other Countries are Helping India in giving Oxygen becauseIndia are having less amount of it.


Hope it will be Helpful :)

Mark as Brainliest!


Compound sentence:

People should wear Mask and keep social distancing from each other.

They Rushed to the Hospital but it was too late.

Complex Sentence :

Doctor's are Doing their Job neatly, so that Covid-19 patients will be Cure Safely.

Other Countries are Helping India in giving Oxygen because India are having less amount of it.


Hope it will be Helpful :)

Mark as Brainliest!

Which Of The Following Sentences Is A Compound Sentence. There are any Which Of The Following Sentences Is A Compound Sentence in here.

0 05 Cm To Mm

0.05 cm to mm is a conversion between two different units of measure. It is used to convert centimeters (cm) to millimeters (mm). 1 cm is equal to 10 mm, so to convert 0.05 cm to mm, you would multiply 0.05 by 10, giving you 0.5 mm. Question: How do you convert 0.05 cm to mm? Answer: To convert 0.05 cm to mm, you would multiply 0.05 by 10, giving you 0.5 mm.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 3.nyatakan perpangkatan (−0, 05) 2 dan (0, 05) 2 dalam bentuk bilangan biasa.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


= (-1/20)²

= 1/400


= (1/20)²

= 1/400

2. 0 koma 45 bagi 0 koma 05 =​


0,45 ÷ 0,05

= 9

maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu


0,45 : 0,05 = 9

Kalo kamu ingin membuktikan apakah jawaban saya benar, kamu kalikan saja 0,05×9.

3. PEBRUARIFEBRUARY 2010210 11 12 130 USD050505 06 07 08 09 09.09 08 06 07 08 0.0)2007 01.08 0.8 06 08 06 06 07 08 09 09 0 .07070707 07 06 06 05 05 08 06 08 09 10 10.006 07 08 08 08 07 06 05 05 05 05 06 08 1017006 08 09 10 09 08 06 05 04 03 04 05 07 10 2112121-02 06 0.8 1.0 1. 09 07 05 03 02 03 04 0302 03 04 07 09 11 11 11 09 06 04 03 02 0.3 07 10 12 1302.02 03 06 08 10 1 11.1008 06 04 03 03 04 05 08 10 1202 03 04 05 09 10 111008 08 0.4 03. 04001004 03 03 04 05 07 0,9LO11.11 0.9 01 0e 04 04.04 05 07305 04 03 04 04 06 07 09 10 11 10 09 07 06 05 05 05 08 0707 06 0.6 04.04 05 06 07 09 10 10 10 09 08 07 06 05 0 6R 07 06 05 05 05 05 06 07 08 09 1010 0900 08 0 0808 07 07 0.6 0.5 05 05 06 07 08 09 10 10 10 09 08 07 007 08 08.08 07 06 05 06 05 0607 0708009 09 08 08 06 05 04 04 05 06 03 TO TTTTTT96 07 08 09 09.00 08 06 05 04 040406 08 10 12 12​


Apa ini? Ucul bgt kek Minionಥ‿ಥ

4. sebuah tiang listrik memiliki tinggi 125 m. skala 1 : 2.500 adalah.......a. 50 cmb. 5 cmc. 0, 5 cmd. 0, 05 cm tolong sama caranya ya....!!!

tinggi model=12.500×1/2500
=5 cm

5. 2% : 0‚05 + 4/5=????​


2%:0,05+4/5 = 2/100:5/100+4/5

= 2/100 dikali 100/5 = 200/500 ( disederhanakan = 2/5 )

= 2/5+4/5 = 6/5 = 1 1/5

semoga membantu dan jangan lupa follow me


600/500=6/5=1 1/5


maaf kalau salah

6. how to read this ...05:50

it is ten to six am..

7. 4_5+05+0/0+06= plis buat pr kelulusan​


9 karena itu ada pembilant nya

8. how to spell 07:05 helllp​


seven past five



How To Spell 07.05You Can Spell It As,

It is Seven Past Five

Maaf Kalo Salah

9. Hasil dari 0, 05+1, 435 adalah


1, 485

maaf klo salah:)

smg membantu

10. 0,15 , 0, 71 , 3,2 , 0, 05 urutkan dari yg paling kecil​

0.05 , 0.15 , 0.71 , 3.2

semoga membantu

11. bentuk pecahan sederhana dari 0 ,05 adalah​




Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jadi bentuk sederhana dari 0,05 adalah 1/20

semoga bermanfaat ya

12. (0, 05+2, 24) ×1, 025:0, 425)


13. tentukan jumlah tak hingga dari 5+0, 5+0, 05+....​

5+5+5= 15

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga berguna yh

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Deret Pola


5 + 0,5 + 0,05 + ...

a = suku pertama = 5

r = rasio = 0,5/5 = 0,1


Jumlah tak hingga deret geometri:

S∞ = a/(1 - r)

S∞ = 5/(1 - 0,1)

S∞ = 5/(0,9)

S∞ = 5,555...6 ≈ 5,56


S∞ = 5/(0,9)

S∞ = 5/(⁹/10)

S∞ = (5 x 10)/9

S∞ = 50/9

S∞ = 5 ⁵/9 ≈ 5,56

14. 2‚5 inci =.....m20 yard =.....km200 mil =.....m 8 m =.....cm0‚05 ton =.....kg2‚5 kg =.....g0‚8 abad =......windu0‚2 jam =.........detik476 pon =........g0‚006 hari =........menit100 cm²=........m²10‚5 m² =........km²45 cm³ =......L0‚2 dam³=.....mm³10 m³ =......dm³=.......ml10ms =....s1 gbyte =...byte5 mwatt = .....mwatt1000 mm =....m2000nm =....m​


2‚5 inci =0.0635 m

20 yard =0,0183 km

200 mil =321868,8 m

8 m =800 cm

0‚05 ton =500 kg

2‚5 kg =2500 g

0‚8 abad = 96 windu

0‚2 jam =720 detik

476 pon =215909,968 g

0‚006 hari = 8640 m

100 cm²=0,01 m²

10‚5 m² =1,05×10-5 km²

45 cm³ =0,045 l

0‚2 dam³=20mm³

10 m³ =10000dm³

10ms =10s

1 gbyte =1073741824Byte

5 mwatt = 5.000.000mwatt

1000 mm =1m

2000nm =2 × 10-7 m

15. 78, 05 cm² - 32,046 cm²​


46,004 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

78,05 cm² -32,046 cm²=.....

=46,004 cm²


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:




________ -


Semoga membantu ya kak, maaf jika ada yang salah.

16. Tuliskan hasil pengukuran menggunakan jangka sorong dibawah iniA. 3,8 mmB. 3,19 cmC. 3, 4 cmD. 3, 05 cmmohon cara pengerjaannya​


skala utama=3,1cm

skala nonius=9mm×0,1=0,9mm=0,09cm




17. Cara mendapatkan hasil dari 0, 005 + 0, 02 : 0, 05


seperti itu kahkerjakan lebih dulu operasi pebagiannya ya. yaitu 0, 02 : 0,05. kemudian hasil pembagian tersebut tambahkan dengan 0, 005. semoga membantu.

18. 0, 05 mega ohm berapa ohm....?

0,05 mega ohm = 50.000 ohm

19. Five to six is... a. 06:55 b. 05:09 c. 09:05 d. 05:55



five to six

jam 5 menuju ke jam 6

5 menit sebelum jam 6

semoga membantu


d. 05.55


why? karena itu 5 menit sebelum jam 6. 5 menit sebelum jam 6 itu 05.55

moga bermanfaat

20. how to spell 05:40 helllp​


five past forthy o'clock


jam lima lebih empat puluh menit

jam lima lewat empat puluh pagii

0 05 Cm To Mm. There are any 0 05 Cm To Mm in here.

205 Divided By 5

Introduction to Dividing by 5

What is Dividing by 5?

Dividing by 5 is a mathematical operation that involves taking a number and dividing it by 5. This operation is often used to find out how many times a certain number can be divided by 5.

How to Divide by 5

Division is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic and is usually represented with the symbol "/". To divide a number by 5, simply divide it by 5 using the division symbol. For example, to divide 205 by 5, the equation would be written as 205/5. In this equation, 205 is the dividend and 5 is the divisor.

Answer to 205 Divided by 5

The answer to 205 divided by 5 is 41. This answer can be found by dividing 205 by 5 using the division symbol. The equation would look like this: 205/5 = 41.

Questions and Answers:

1. 149 divided by 5 equals ... r ...


29,8 ≈ 30

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

149 : 5 = 29,8

29,8 ≈ 30



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


maaf kalo salah dan jangan lupa kasih jawaban tercerdas

2. what is 100 divided by 10 multiplication by 100 divided by 50



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat ya


berapakah 100 dibagi 10 dikalikan 100 dibagi 50=20

maaf klo salah

3. a naturan number n has remainder 1 when divided by 5. it also has remainder 2 when divided by 6, 4 when divided by 8 and 2 when divided by 9. what is the smalles value of n?

four dedid by eight is one devided by two

4. fifty divided by two is

the answer is twenty fivefifty divided by two is a twenty five

5. 7 divided by 18repeating fraction.

Subject : Mathematic
About : Divided
7 divided by 18 mean .....
7 : 18
= 7 / 18
= 0,388¯

-Prisco[tex] \frac{7}{18} [/tex]

Iterasi pertama,
[tex] \frac{18}{7} = 2+\frac{4}{7} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{4}{7}} [/tex]

Iterasi kedua,
[tex] \frac{7}{4}=1+\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{3}{4}}} [/tex]

Iterasi ketiga,
[tex] \frac{4}{3} = 1+\frac{1}{3} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

[tex] \frac{7}{18} = \frac{1}{2+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{3}}}} [/tex]

6. Ten divided by two equals to​


Ten divided by two equals to five.

Sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima


Semoga membantu:)


Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)


pertama, kita artikan satu persatu ya..

ten = 10 (sepuluh)

divided by = dibagi oleh

two = 2 (dua)

equals to.. = sama dengan...?

10 : 2 = 5.

sepuluh dibagi dua sama dengan lima.

so, (maka),

Ten divided by two equals to five (lima)

jadi jawabannya adalah FIVE (LIMA).


semoga membantu ^^jadikan jawaban terbaik / tercerdas, ya!

7. tolong ya kak?contoh:"5" adalah pangkat 5 205 =205+205+205=615​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

pangkat bukan ditambah melainkan dikali

Yang perlu diingat:

Jika nilai negatif memiliki pangkat genap

contoh :

-2²= -2 x -2 maka nilainya positif

sedangkan nilai negatif memiliki pangkat ganjil


-2³= -2 x -2 x -2 = -8 nilainya negatif

Terakhir, jika nilai positf maka akan selalu bernilai positif sehingga jawabannya

a. negatif ganjil

b. negatif ganjil

c. positif genap

d. positif ganjil

e. positif genap

8. 786.4 divided by 0.6 = ?


786,4 divided by 0,6 = 1.311

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

786,4 : 0,6 = 7864/10 : 6/10

=7864/10 x 10/6=78640 /60

=7864/6 = 1.310,67 =1.311

Hope it helps and not wrong

9. sixty nine divided by seventy is​

Answer: there is no.



10. Fifty divided by five is

Jawaban: Ten

Penjelasan: 50 ÷ 5 = 10

11. 16. 45: 15 = ...A Forty five divided by fifteenB. Four five divided by one fiveC. Forty five divided by fiveteenD. Fourteen five divided by fifteen​


A. Fourty five divided by fifteen


45 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fourty Five

15 dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Fifteen

catatan: angka belasan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Teen, dan angka puluhan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan Ty di belakang angka/kata pertama.


12. sixty divided by fifteen equal​


60 : 15 = 4

Divided : dibagi


enam puluh dibagi lima belas sama dengan


60 : 15 = 4

so sixty divided by fifteen equals four

13. One hundred divided by ......... is five


divided by 20 ,


Seratus dibagi dengan ........ adalah


14. forty divided by eighet is.... ​


40 : 8 = 5. (empat puluh dibagi delapan)

the answer is five



semoga membantu ❣️

15. 1.One hundred divided by...Is five 2......Multiplied by five ia dirty 3.One hundred divided by...Is five 4.Five multiplied by five is.... 5.Two multiplied by....Ia eight

Jawaban: 1. Twenty

2. Six

3. Twenty

4. Twenty five

5. Four


16. thirty divided by ten is...


thirty divided by ten is... arti dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah tigapuluhdibagi sepuluhadalahtiga(three)


semoga membantu ✨


tigahpuluh dibagi sepuluh

17. hundred divided five 2......multiplied by five ia dirty hundred divided five 4.five multiplied by five is.... 5.two multiplied by....ia eight


1. twenty



4.twenty five


18. ten divided by two is

ten divided by two is fiveten divided two is five...

19. what is the remainder when 202^15 divided by 5?​


The number 202 is called the numerator or dividend, and the number 5 is called the denominator or divisor.

The quotient of 202 and 5, the ratio of 202 and 5, as well as the fraction of 202 and 5 all mean (almost) the same:

202 divided by 5, often written as 202/5.

Read on to find the result of 202 divided by 5 in decimal notation, along with its properties

20. Twenty divided by four is

itu artinya 20 dibagi 4 hasilnya 5five. semoga bisa membantu

205 Divided By 5. There are any 205 Divided By 5 in here.