
Which Puffy Plant Produces Instantly Blooming Beans

Which Puffy Plant Produces Instantly Blooming Beans? The **Mimosa Pudica** plant is the one which produces instantly blooming beans. It's a tropical plant with fern-like leaves and pinkish-purple flowers. The leaves of the plant close up when touched, hence its name “Mimosa Pudica”, which means “shy” or “bashful”. When the bean is touched, it instantly opens up, producing a beautiful spiral of petals.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. how to Plant long beans​


Cara Menanam Kacang Panjang

Persiapkan Lahan. Lahan yang dibutuhkan kacang panjang bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan berapa banyak kacang panjang yang akan kamu tanam. Beri Pupuk.Tanam Benih.Pasang Ajir.Berikan Pupuk Susulan.Basmi Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman.Panen.


How to Grow Long Beans

Prepare the Land. You can adjust the land needed by long beans according to how many long beans you are going to plant. ...

Give Fertilizer. ...Plant the seeds. ...Install Ajir. ...Give Additional Fertilizer. ...Eradicate Plant Pests and Diseases. ...Harvest.


maaf kalau salah ya kakak

semoga membantu


Cara Menanam Kacang Panjang

Persiapkan Lahan. Lahan yang dibutuhkan kacang panjang bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan berapa banyak kacang panjang yang akan kamu tanam. ...

2. Beri Pupuk. ...

3. Tanam Benih. ...

Pasang Ajir. ...

Berikan Pupuk Susulan. ...

6. Basmi Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman. ...

7. Panen.


2. which plant grows better?​


x bad plant ✓ good plant


follow me pls :p


Good plant √

Bad plant ×

3. Which part of a flower that PRODUCES POLLEN?​


stamens/benang sari

makasih moga membantu, maaf kalo salah^-^

4. Cutie is . . . than puffy​

Cutie is (cuter) than puffy

Semoga membantu :)

5. which part of the rabbit's body produces natural oil? it's

The part of the rabbit's body that produce it's own natural oil are the ears.

6. the part of plant which can be eaten is....


fruit, seeds and leaves.

leaves are usually for cooking

I hope this helps

7. Dragon fruit is a cactus plant that produces an edible red-colored fruit. It is thought to come from Southand Central America. The bold sentence means…. A The exact origin of the plant is unknown. B The exact origin of the plant is familiar. C The exact origin of the plant is well-known. D The dragon fruit plant produces a scaly red colored fruit. E The plant is also called Pitaya (or pitahaya).

C. The exact origin of the plant is well-knownANSWER:
C. The exact origin of the plants is well - known


8. Namanya tetap puffy paint kan?

iya tetap karena tidak bisa di rubah lagi

Semoga membantu

9. cuties is..than puffy​

Cuties is...than puffy

*maaf ini gaada yang mau digunakan

Cuties is...than puffy(imut)

bahasa inggris imut => cute

so:Cuties is...than puffy:Cuties is cute

than puffy.

Semoga membantu,maaf jika salah^_^

Menurutku jawabannya, cuties is better (lebih baik) than puffy karena cuties artinya lucu, sedangkan puffy artinya lembut.

Semoga membantu

10. Which is not found in cacao beans?a, magnesiumb. ironC, vitamin Ad. copper​

a. magnesium


Semoga membantu

11. is part of flowering plant which consist of sepals and petals

Apakah pesta berbunga tanaman yang terdiri dari kelopak dan kelopak bunga. ini disuruh artiin apa gmna?

12. Puffy is...than cutie ​

current mungkin bisa jadi?

13. Which animal produces honey?a. CowC. Goatb. Beed. Hen yg bisa jawab di jawabya plisss​





Because bee is the animal who product honey.

Karena lebah adalah hewan penghasil madu.


b. bee

maaf kalau salah

14. berapa harga puffy paint di indonesia

aku beli harga nya kurang lebih 700 rb an

15. Which part of the plant lets it reproduce


Bagian tanaman mana yang memungkinkannya berkembang biak dari



16. 1. Which are man-made light sources?A. sun, stars, and fireworksB. bulb, fire-fly, and torchC. candle, torch, and bulbD. lamp, fire-fly, stars2. What is a Luminous object?A. an object which produces soundB. an object which cannot produces soundC. an object which produces lightD. an object which cannot produces light​

Jawaban: 1. A. sun, stars, and fireworks

2. C. an object which produces light

Penjelasan: I hope this helps

17. the part of plant which can be eaten is....

The parts of plants which can be eaten are called edible parts of that plant. Like roots of potato is edible. Like stem of sugarcane is edible. Like flower of cauliflower is edible

18. List 2 animals and 1 plant which live in artic​


Animals : polar bear, arctic wolf, arctic fox, snowy owl, and arctic weasel

Plants : dwarf shrubs


Sorry if wrong. I hope this helps. stay healthy and see yaa. dont forget to tap ♡ and ☆☆☆☆☆. bye

19. A cedar tree is a vascular plant.It produces cones.What kind of plant is it?

The answer is: conifers.

20. ... is part of flowering plant which consist of sepals and petals

flower Crown...

(mahkota bunga)

maaf ya kalo salah....

Which Puffy Plant Produces Instantly Blooming Beans. There are any Which Puffy Plant Produces Instantly Blooming Beans in here.

San Joaquin Valley City Crossword

Introduction to San Joaquin Valley City Crossword

What is a San Joaquin Valley City Crossword?

San Joaquin Valley City Crossword is a fun and interactive way to learn about the cities of the San Joaquin Valley. This crossword puzzle contains a variety of clues related to the cities of the valley, including their geography, history, culture, and other interesting facts. The goal of the game is to fill in all of the crossword puzzle's answers correctly.

How to Play San Joaquin Valley City Crossword

Playing San Joaquin Valley City Crossword is easy. Begin by looking at the clues and try to figure out which city each clue is referring to. Once you have identified the city, fill in the answer in the corresponding blank on the crossword grid. When you have finished filling in all of the blanks, the puzzle is complete!

Benefits of Playing San Joaquin Valley City Crossword

Playing San Joaquin Valley City Crossword can help improve your knowledge about the cities of the valley. It can also provide an enjoyable way to learn about the people, culture, and history of the region. Additionally, solving crosswords can help improve your problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Questions and Answers:

1. san fernando valley area of la country​


He (is) in San Fernando Valley Area of LA Country


Penggunaan to be:


You, they, we -> Are

He, she, it -> Is

Semoga Membantu ヾ(¯∇ ̄)

2. san francisco is my favorite city in the united

San fransisco adalah kota favoritku di negara Amerika SerikatSan Fransisco is my favorite city in the United States 
San Fransisco adalah kota kesukaanku di Amerika Serikat

3. kalau pemeran joaquin siapa nama aslinya???

daniel padilla .. .................Daniel padilla...............

4. complete the crossword puzzle!!!​


1. in

2. below

3. under

4. beside

5. between

6. behind

7. above

8. on

semoga membantu

5. solve the crossword ​


6. niece

7. married?

8. stepbrother

9. stepsister

11. children

12. nephew

13. husband?

6. crossword please bantu ​






5.not late/beginning






maaf klo salah


2. wet

5. right

6. light

9. proper

11. near

13. cold

15. young

17. full

7. Antonyms crossword puzzle jawaban​


Antonyms crossword puzzle.


Teka-teki silang antonim.


Maaf Klo Salah

8. Halika, sino ang nakakaalam kung ano ang sinasabi ko Quiz xXjoaquinXx Quiz 176² + 16 ³ 18 ⁴ + 9² Mahal na mahal ko si Joaquin. Joaquin mahal ko





176² + 16 ³ = (176 × 176) + (16 × 16 × 16)

= 30.976 + 4.096

= 35.072

18 ⁴ + 9² = (18 × 18 × 18 × 18) + (9 × 9)

= 104.976 + 81

= 105.057

Bilangan berpangkat adalah bilangan yang berfungsi untuk menyederhanakan penulisan dan penyebutan suatu bilangan yang memiliki faktor-faktor atau angka-angka perkalian yang sama.

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bold{Answer \: By :{ \red{ \boxed{ \red{ \bold{gwsiapa98}}}}}}}}[/tex]

9. compete the crossword puzzle​


➡️ Accross

3. bathroom

4. diningroom

6. window

7. livingroom

8. floor

⬇️ Down

1. kitchen

2. door

3. bedroom

5. garden

6. wall


Semoga Kamu Mendapatkan Nilai Yang Bagus, Semangat!

10. Do The Crossword puzzle​


kita coba ya








10. SEE

11. BYE






7. HOW


11. 18.Pedro Lives _______ in Mexico City ______ in San Juantolong lagii((​


Mohon maaf jika salah

12. crossword puzzle my hobby

teka_teki silang hobi saya

13. Quiz points dikit Volume kubus? Rusuk 14 cm Note : Mahal na mahal ko si Joaquin. Joaquin mahal ko

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Rusuk = 14 Cm

Volume :

= s³

= 14³

= 14 x 14 x 14

= 196 x 14

= 2.744Cm³

Diketahui :Kubus dengan rusuk 14 cm


Ditanya :Volume?


Jawab :

V = s × s × s

V = 14 × 14 × 14

V = 2.744 cm³


[tex]{ \boxed{ \sf \: { \purple{∽}} \color{red}ans \: by \color{pink}= \color{magenta}한나}}[/tex]

14. Crossword.. Help me..

1. basketball
4. volleyball
10. baseball
7. football
8. judo
6. running
13. tennis
14. diving
15. fencing
17. golf
18. smiwmming
19. canoeing
20. riding

maaf acak dan ada yang belum.soalnya sekalian nentuin kolom wkwk

15. Crossword tolong nomor yang belum selesai


14 mendatar King

itu yang depannya huruf I mendatar nomor nya berapa ya? buram


14. mendatar king

Maaf kalo salah :(

16. No. 9 di crossword ini apa?




Moh.Yamin adalah orang yanf menuliskan dan membaca teks sumpah pemuda pada tanggal 28 10 1928

17. "jawablah Crossword diatas!"​


1. above

2. in front of

3. behind

4. on

5. around

6. above

7. in

8. between

Semoga membantu!!

Jaikan yg terbaik yaa!!


1. under

2. in front of

3. beside

4. on

7. in

8. Between

9. behind


maaf ya klu salah, semoga membantu

18. Quiz 18 ³ + 100 196 + 17² Joaquin

18 ³ + 100 = (18 × 18 × 18) + 100

= 5.832 + 100

= 5.932

196 + 17² = 196 + (17 × 17)

= 196 + 289

= 485

1.) Hasil = 5.932

2.) Hasil = 485


Perpangkatan ( Eksponen ) adalah suatu operasi perkalian berulang sebanyak yang dituliskan pangkat. Pangkat adalah suatu angka kecil yang terletak diatas bilangan tersebut.

Formula Eksponen :

[tex] \boxed{ \sf \large \: {x}^{y} \: = \: x \times x \times x \times x.....x \: ( \: sebanyak \: y \: )}[/tex]

Dengan X adalah Bilangan Pokok dan Y adalah pangkatnya.

Contoh :

5³ = 5 × 5 × 5

= 125

* 5 adalah bilangan pokok

* ³ adalah pangkatnya

* 125 adalah hasilnya


1.) 18³ + 100

2.) 196 + 17²


1.) Hasil !

2.) Hasil !

Jawab1.) 5.9322.) 485


1.) 18³ + 100 :

[tex] \sf \: = \: {18}^{3} \: + \: 100[/tex]

[tex] \sf \: = \: ( \: 18 \times 18 \times 18 \: ) \: + \: 100[/tex]

[tex] \sf \: = \: 5.832 \: + \: 100[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{ \sf \huge \: = \: 5.932}[/tex]

Hasil = 5.932


2.) 196 + 17² :

[tex] \sf \: = \: 196 \: + \: {17}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \sf \: = \: 196 + \: ( \: 17 \times 17 \: )[/tex]

[tex] \sf \: = \: 196 \: + \: 289[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{ \sf \huge \: = \: 485}[/tex]

Hasil = 485


1.) Hasilnya adalah 5.932

2.) Hasilnya adalah 485


Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Detail JawabanMapel : MatematikaKelas : 5 & 6Materi : Bab 7 - Kuadrat dan Akar Pangkat Dua & Bab 8 - Kubik dan Akar Pangkat TigaKode Soal : 2Kode Kategorisasi : 5.2.7 & 6.2.8Kata Kunci : Eksponen, PEMDAS, Kuadrat, Kubik

19. Food Crossword Puzzle ​


FoodCrosswordPuzzleArtinyaTeka-teki silang makanan


20. Complete this crossword

Show the whole crossword.

San Joaquin Valley City Crossword. There are any San Joaquin Valley City Crossword in here.

Chris And Michele King Bourne Ma

Chris And Michele King Bourne Ma


Chris and Michele King Bourne are husband and wife who have been teaching martial arts for over 25 years. They both have a long history of teaching martial arts, having trained in various styles of martial arts such as Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Muay Thai.

Teaching Style

The King Bournes teach their martial arts in a traditional manner, focusing on the fundamentals of martial arts such as stance, footwork, and strikes. They also emphasize the importance of respect, discipline, and self-control.

Programs and Events

The King Bournes offer a variety of martial arts programs for all ages, from beginner to advanced levels. They also host seminars and workshops for those looking to further their martial arts skills.


Chris and Michele King Bourne are highly experienced martial arts instructors who have been teaching for over 25 years. They teach traditional martial arts in a respectful and disciplined manner, and offer a variety of programs and events for all ages.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. When Will dhea and ria clean the tables and Chris?


Maaf kaka itu pertanyaannya salah harusnya..

= When will Dhea,Ria,and Chris clean the table?

Tejemahan :

Kalan Dhea,Ria,dan Chris membersihkan meja?

2. michele ... a book.​




Read adalah bahasa Inggris nya baca

book adalah bahasa Inggris nya buku

Maaf kalau salah

3. Comolete the following dialoguesChris : Hello, I'm Chris Evan.Tom : .............., but please calls me Tom.Chris : Nice to meet you, Tom. You can call me Chris.Tom : ............., O.K and whats your last name again?Chris : Evan.Tolong bantu jawab plies :*​

1. I'm tom holland

2. Nice to meet you too

4. the news managers were joyce ,chris, and.... (i,me,my self)​


my self

#semoga membantu

Jawaban: I


Grammatically speaking, subjek dalam kalimat tersebut terletak pada Joyce, Chris and ...

Dalam hal ini, kita akan menggunakan Subject Pronoun (= kata ganti subjek). Untuk 'saya', subject pronounnya adalah I.

Me adalah object pronoun dan myself adalah reflecting pronoun.

Biasanya pula, verb 'to be' seperti is, am, are akan diikuti subject pronoun.

Walaupun demikian, dalam informal speaking atau colloquial, banyak speakers yang menggunakan me ataupun myself dalam kasus ini. Bahkan lebih umum daripada penggunaan I untuk kasus demikian. Namun secara grammar, yang benar adalah I.

Semoga membantu. :)

5. Rachel : Hi Michele. (1)...________________________( you/be at the barceuce tonight ? )Michele : Yes, I am.Rachel : What (2)...________________(you/wear?)Michele : Idon t know. What about you?Rachel : (3)..._________________( I /wear my summer dress)Michele : Is Anita coming?Rachel : think so. (4)...__________( I /send her a message).Michele : (5)..._________________(Steve / be there?)Rachel : Yes, he is.Michele : Good. I have to go now. I ll see you at the barbecue.Rachel : OK. What (6)...__________(you/to do now?)Michele : (7)...__________________( I /get ready). I want to wash my hair.Rachel : OK. (8)...______________( I / do my homework). I ll see you later,Michele : Bye.​


1. You will be at barceuce tonight?

2. What you want wear?

3. I want wear my summer dress

4. I was send her a message

5. Is Steve will be there?

Maaf aku hanya tau itu saja, maaf kalau salah

6. if ma liang didn*t do what the king asked he would


jika ma liang tidak melakukan apa yang diminta raja,Ali akan melakukanya


give the answer what he know and give answer with perfectly reason and last one with reason for he ask


harus mengasih jawaban yang masuk akal danyang pas buat pertanyaan itu

7. message the king and his daughters​

pesan raja dan putrinya



8. michele angelo pelukis yang hidup pada masa

Michele angelo pelukis yang hidup pada masa Renaissance.

- Semoga Bermanfaat -

9. michele gatfield's study story ​


Penjelasan:ini  disuruh apa?

biar aku bisa bantu

10. Bantu saya membuat puisi dengan nama michele


Pak pos datang ke rumahku
membawa surat untukku
Ternyata surat dari michele, sahabatku
yang telah lama ku tunggu

Segera kubuka amplopnya
dan segera kubaca
berisi kabar gembira
bahwa ia telah wisuda

Aku sangat merindukannya
karna kami..
telah berpisah lama

semoga membantu

11. Sue : good evening michele michele : good evening sue sue: how's it going? Michele :... A nice to mert you b how fo you do c glad to see you d gread thanks

michele : D . great thanks

12. The king (be)..............wide and kind




(be) itu is am are

13. verbs the past tence the king (be) ..... wise and king​


the king was wise and king


maaf kalau salah

tapi kok menurut saya soalnya agak aneh ya?


be jadinya was


kanapa was??

karena the king artinya raja

karena satu rajanya maka was yang artinya hanya satu

jika were artinya lebih dari satu pihak dan kata kata raja harusnya Kings ada 's' di belakang nya

jadikan jawaban yang tercerdas yaa pliss dong

semoga bermanfaat:)

14. michele seorang turis amerika menukarka.n

1.500 × kurs beli
1.500 × 13.100 = 19.650.000
terpakai = 19.650.000 - 2.500.000
= 17.150.000

15. with on/next to/between/above/below Steve Mary Bill Catherine Chris Paul Janet Sandra Joe 1. Chris lives ______ Catherine and Paul 2. Joe lives _____the ground floor 3. Mary lives _____ Steve and Bill 4. Paul lives ____ the first floor _____Chris 5. Catherine lives _____ Janet 6. Chris lives ______ Sandra and _____ Mary


1. between

2. on

3. between

4. on, next to

5. above

6. above, below


karena ingin menjadi pesepak bola indonesia

semoga membantu :)
karena ingin menjadi pemain sepakbola Indonesia dan ingin berkarir di Indonesia

17. Pertanyaan nya apa dari jawaban I am michele????

Who are you?

Semoga membantu


are you michele


A:are you michele

B:i am michele??

18. 1. What is the story about? 2. Why did people love King Aryan? 3. Why did a powerful king want to attack King Aryan's kingdom and King Vaishal's kingdom? 4. Why did King Vaishal's people leave the kingdom? 5. What proverb is suitable for King Aryan and King Vaishal? What is the meaning?​

Teks yang disajikan adalah

descriptive text

. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah

1. The story was about two kingdoms facing a war

2. People love king Aryan since he always paid attention to the safety andwelfare of his kingdom

3. The powerful kiing wanted to expanse his kingdom's teritory

4. People leave king vaishal because they don't love him, and he ever treat his people well.


No man is an island


Descriptive text

adalah jenis teks dalam bahasa inggris yang biasanya terdapat pada buku-buku cerita. Jenis teks ini digunakan untuk menceritakan dongeng, fabel, hingga novel dan komik.


atau petuah, atau peribahasa daam bahasa inggris.

No Man is an Island

berarti tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat hidup sendirian tanpa bantuan orang lain. Layaknya king vaishal pada cerita tersebut, yang tidak memperhatikan rakyatnya, lalu kemudian ditinggalkan oleh rakyatnya.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut:

Descriptive text


19. 4 poinChange the verb into thecorrect form! (for number 4 and5)4. Chris Jhon ........... (drive) abus. *O Oa. Chris Jhon drive a bus.O b. Chris Jhon drives a bus.O c. Chris Jhon drove a busO d. Chris Jhon drived a bus.​


b. chris jhon drives a bus

20. Chris and jane ....(go) to school at 7:30 AM​


chris and jane are going to school at 7.30 Am

Chris And Michele King Bourne Ma. There are any Chris And Michele King Bourne Ma in here.

Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail

Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail


Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail (1940-2016) was a Native American educator, activist, and leader of the Apsáalooke (Crow) Nation. She was instrumental in improving the education of Native American children and was the first Native American woman to be appointed to the National Board of Indian Education.


Susie was a pioneer in education for Native Americans. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Montana State University in 1964, and then went on to earn her Master of Education from the University of Wyoming in 1972.


Susie fought for Native American rights and was a vocal advocate for Native American education. She was one of the earliest Native American leaders, and she worked to ensure that Native American children had access to quality education and that their cultures were respected in the classroom. She was an advocate for the preservation of Native American languages and culture, and she was a leader in the fight for equal educational opportunities for Native Americans.


Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail was an inspirational leader who left an indelible mark on the history of Native American education. Her legacy lives on in the form of the Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail Education Center, which was established in her honor in 2017. The center is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to Native American youth and promoting the preservation of Native American culture and languages.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 1why walking in the forest become dangerous? 2what they do for save fheir life? 3why the bear only smelt and walking go ? 4what the bear whisper 5Explain what the true meaning from the moral of the story!


mengapa berjalan di hutan menjadi berbahaya apa mereka mereka lakukan untuk menyelamatkan hidup mereka mengapa beruang hanya mencium dan berjalan pergi apa yang dijelaskan pembisik beruang jelaskan apa arti sebenarnya dari moral cerita tersebut!

2. Susie=Hi ira Ira. = Susie=I,am fine,thanks And you? Ira. =

susie = hi ira
ira=hi susie, how are you today?
susie= i am fine, thankyou abd you
ira= i am fine too thankyou

3. 1. Why walking in the forest become dangeraus? 2.What they so for save their life? 3. Why the bear only smelt and walking go? 4. What the bear whisper? 5. Explain what the true meaning from the moral of the story!

Drop the story so I can help you answer it

4. we bear bear =grisz=panda=AIC BEAR= tolong dijawab yg benar-benar​


we bear bear=kita beruang beruang

gersz=beruang Grizzly (beruang coklat/madu)

panda=hewan yang berasal dari negara cina

ice bear=beruang kutub (beruang yang hidupnya di kutub)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu


webearbear:kami menanggung

grisz: beruangmadu


AicBear:Beruang es

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

#hope it helps #

#make it the best answer#

#semoga membantu#


sorry if wrong

5. ubahlah kalimat ini menjadi pasif : susie broke the window

The window broke by SusieThe window broked by susie

#yap itu dia

6. Keliling sebuah persegi adalah 56 cm . Hitunglah panjang Susie persegi tersebut

[tex]k = 4 \times s[/tex]

[tex]56 = 4 \times s[/tex]

[tex]56 = 4s[/tex]

[tex]s = \frac{56}{4} [/tex]

[tex]s \: = 14 \: cm[/tex]

7. 8. Sari:"What Do You Think Of My New Bicycle? "Susie:​


It was great! But By The Way Sari Is You Can Ride A Bicycle :v


Maap Kalo Salah Ya

8. 1.What is the text about? HOTSa. the bearb. polar bearc. black beard. brown bear​

1. What is the text about? HOTS

a. the bear

b. polar bear

c. black bear

d. brown bear

2. Where did the polar bear lives?

a. polar

C. sea

b. wood

d. land

3. What fruit did the polar bear eat?

a. apple

c. jackfruit

b. orange

d. berries


1. Polar bear

2. sea

3. berries

Followaku jika kamu merasaterbantu:)

9. Rio.... to class when she met her teachera. is walking c. are walkingb. was walking d. were walking Penjelasan​


c. are walking


maaf kalo salah


B. was walking


karena was itu untuk hal yang sudah dilewati atau yang sudah terjadi

contoh: i was sleeping yesterday.

semoga membantu & maaf kalau salah

10. Susie was busy, so she just … called someone … wrote a letter

Susie was busy, so she just gonna called someone and wrote a letter

11. susie always.....chocolate on the waybto school.(buy/buys)

karena subjectnya she
dan rumusnya S+V 1(s/es)+O/CSusie always buys chocolate on the waybto school

12. Passive voice dari susie puts the ransack on the floor

the ransack is put by susie on the floor

13. Abdul is 9 years older than Susie, and Binh is 2 years older than Susie. How many years older is Abdul than Binh?​

A = 9 + S

B = 2 + S

B = 2 + S

S = B - 2

A = 9 + S

A = 9 + B - 2

A = 7 + B

so Abdul is 7 years older than Binh

14. apa arti we bear bear =AIC BEAR= GRIS=​


AIC BEAR=pendiam,tulus,lucu,imut

GRIS=polos,nafsu,serakah,sering berkhayal

PANDA=pemalu,dapet cewek tapi gak pernah jadian :v,romantis,lucu,imut

15. Anna ... home.a. to walkingb. walkingC. walksd. althoughe. to walking​


B walking ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ


b .walking


maaf kalau salah

16. Istilah olah raga jalan cepat dalam bahasa inggris yaitu?? A. Power walkingB. Dance walkingC. Walking exerciseD. Walking sport

D. Walking sport
Maaf kalo salah
D)walking sport sorry kalau salah

17. Several old people... around the park(+)am walkingaare walkingbaren't walkingCis walkingd​


are walking


maaf kalo salah ya

Several old people are walking around the park.

Pakai kata "are" karena "people" itu berarti lebih dari 1 orang.

Kata "Several" juga berarti beberapa, yang menandakan lebih dari 1 objek.

18. Penebangan hutan ecara bear bearan merupakan pengaruh moderniai di bidang.

Penebangan hutan secara berlebihan merupakan dampak negatif dari modernisasi di bidang kehutanan. Penebangan hutan secara berlebihan berdampak buruk bagi ekosistem dan lingkungan, termasuk penurunan biodiversitas, peningkatan polusi udara, dan peningkatan risiko bencana alam. Modernisasi di bidang kehutanan telah membawa dampak positif yang signifikan, seperti peningkatan produksi kayu, peningkatan efisiensi dalam pengelolaan hutan, dan peningkatan kemampuan manajemen hutan. Namun, jika tidak diikuti dengan pengelolaan yang tepat, modernisasi kehutanan juga bisa membawa dampak negatif yang signifikan bagi lingkungan.

19. Q.Bear¹⁰⁰ ÷ Bear⁶⁰ = pp beruang :v​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bear¹⁰⁰ ÷ Bear⁶⁰ =

= Bear^(100 - 60)

= Bear^40

Bear^100 ÷ Bear^60

= Bear^( 100 - 60 )

= Bear^40

20. Susie is driving her/hers car

Susie is driving her carsusie is driving her car

Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail. There are any Susie Walking Bear Yellowtail in here.

Sarcomere Coloring Answer Key

Sarcomere Coloring Answer Key


Sarcomere coloring answer keys are used to help students learn about the structure of sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are the basic units of muscle tissue, and they are responsible for muscle contraction. The answer key provides a visual representation of the various components of a sarcomere, as well as their relative positions. By coloring the diagram according to the answer key, students can gain a better understanding of the structure of sarcomeres.

Components of the Answer Key

The answer key typically includes labels for a variety of muscle components, including the actin and myosin filaments, the Z-discs, and the M-line. Additionally, the answer key will indicate which colors should be used for each component, making it easier for students to identify them.

Benefits of Sarcomere Coloring Answer Keys

Sarcomere coloring answer keys are a useful tool for students learning about muscle structure. By using the answer key, students can develop a better understanding of the structure of sarcomeres and how they work. Additionally, the answer key allows students to visualize the components of a sarcomere, which can help them to remember the structure.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 12. Sebelum membuat animasi dengancomputer kamu perlu membuat ...a. Storyboardb. Backgroundc. Key motiond. Coloring​


a. storyboard


Langkah- Langkah Membuat Animasi:

1. Buat naskahnya terlebih dahulu

Pertama, tuliskan kejadian yang ingin Anda gambarkan dan perlihatkan dalam animasi Anda. Ini bukan sekedar menuliskan dialog, tapi juga ekspresi dan gerak tubuh yang terjadi.

2. Buat storyboard.

Storyboard adalah beberapa gambar yang memperlihatkan kejadian atau tindakan penting dalam animasi Anda

3. Buat ilustrasi dan model karakter.

Ketika Anda mulai menggambar frame, Anda akan perlu model atau ilustrasi dasar yang menjadi acuan agar model karakter yang Anda gambar dari frame satu ke frame lainnya tetap konsisten

4. Buat sketsa animasinya.

Sketsa ini akan memperlihatkan gerakan kunci pada satu frame. Sketsa ini seringkali akan terlihat seperti lima gambar yang mirip yang saling timpa satu sama lain.

5. Gambar frame kunci.

Frame kunci adalah titip atau posisi penting dalam sebuah gerakan yang dibuat oleh sebuah karakter

6. Periksa alur gerakannya.

Periksa sehalus apa gerakan yang Anda buat dengan membalik frame kuncinya dari frame satu ke frame berikutnya beberapa kali.

7. Lengkapi gerakan antara frame kunci.

Setelah Anda merasa frame kunci Anda sudah bagus, saatnya menggambar gerakan di antara frame kunci tersebut.

8. Periksa lagi alurnya.

Ya, Anda harus selalu memastikan alurnya tetap halus dan natural.

9. Rapikan gambarnya.

Hapus semua garis sketsa dan semua garis yang tidak perlu yang mengganggu tampilan animasi Anda.

10. Proses animasi Anda.

Masukkan semua gambarnya ke dalam program komputer seperti Photoshop untuk mulai masuk ke tahap akhir pembuatan animasi.

2. seleksi menjadi karyawan diindustri animasi diikuti oleh 100 org. nilai rata2 calon karyawan bagian key between, coloring,dan composing berturut2 adalah 7,8,7. Jika calon karyawan yg mendaftar di bagian key between sebanyak 25 org dan pd bagian composing 5 orang lebih banyak dari bag. coloring, nilai rata2 seluruh calon karyawan adalah.... #mohon bantuanya ya

Total orang yang ikut adalah 100.
Bagian key between : 25 org
Bagian coloring : x
Bagian composing : 5+x

Kita cari nilai x dahulu.
100 = (25)+(x)+(5+x)
100 = 30 + 2x
70 = 2x
x = 35

Maka masing-masing :
Bagian key between : 25 org
Bagian coloring : 35
Bagian composing : 5+35 = 40

Rata-rata tiap bagian :
Key between : 7
Coloring : 8
Composing : 7

Maka untuk mendapatkan rata-rata seluruh calon adalah
= (7×25)+(8×35)+(7×40)
= 150+280+280
= 710
= 7,1

Jadi rata-rata seluruh calon karyawan adalah 7,1.

3. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

4. Jumlah warna yang digunakan oleh edge coloring adalah


Dalam teori graf , pewarnaan sisi dari suatu graf adalah pemberian “warna” pada sisi-sisi graf sehingga tidak ada dua sisi datang yang memiliki warna yang sama. Misalnya, gambar di sebelah kanan menunjukkan pewarnaan tepi suatu graf dengan warna merah, biru, dan hijau. Pewarnaan tepi adalah salah satu dari beberapa jenis pewarnaan graf . Masalah pewarnaan tepi menanyakan apakah mungkin untuk mewarnai tepi suatu graf dengan menggunakan paling banyak k warna berbeda, untuk nilai k tertentu , atau dengan warna sesedikit mungkin. Jumlah minimum warna yang diperlukan untuk tepi grafik yang diberikan disebut indeks kromatikdari grafik. Sebagai contoh, sisi-sisi graf pada ilustrasi dapat diwarnai dengan tiga warna tetapi tidak dapat diwarnai dengan dua warna, sehingga graf yang ditampilkan memiliki indeks kromatik tiga.

Pewarnaan 3-sisi dari grafik Desargues

Dengan teorema Vizing , jumlah warna yang diperlukan untuk mewarnai tepi graf sederhana adalah derajat maksimumnya atau +1 . Untuk beberapa graf, seperti graf bipartit dan graf planar derajat tinggi , jumlah warna selalu , dan untuk multigraf , jumlah warna mungkin sebanyak 3Δ /2 . Ada algoritma waktu polinomial yang membangun pewarnaan optimal graf bipartit, dan pewarnaan graf sederhana non-bipartit yang menggunakan paling banyak +1 warna; namun, masalah umum untuk menemukan pewarnaan tepi yang optimal adalah NP-harddan algoritma tercepat yang diketahui untuk itu membutuhkan waktu eksponensial. Banyak variasi dari masalah pewarnaan tepi, di mana penetapan warna ke tepi harus memenuhi kondisi lain selain non-kedekatan, telah dipelajari. Pewarnaan tepi memiliki aplikasi dalam masalah penjadwalan dan dalam penetapan frekuensi untuk jaringan serat optik.


semoga membantu


Hellp my too get a point

6. from the text above we get the information on A. what coloring eggs are B. how to make coloring eggs C. which the best coloring eggs D. where we can dry coloring eggs ​

A. what coloring eggs are

7. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

8. sebutkan contoh additronal key,function key,numeric key,special key,dan type writer key?

additional key: volume key, mute key, calculator key, sleep/shut down/hibernate key, brightness key
function key: F1 s/d. F12
numeric key: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
special key: shift, ctrl, alt, Fn, windows, tab, caps lock, num lock, scroll lock, insert, home, pg up, pg down, end
type writer: huruf A s/d. Z, enter, tanda baca/simbol2, backspace

9. Perkembangan hasil coloring seriap harinya mengalami peningkatan.saat latihan awal hanya mampu membuat coloring sebanyak 2 gambar,hari kedua sebanyak 5 gambar dan hari ketiga sebanyak 8 gambar.kemampuan coloring pada hari ke-25 adalah

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


terbentuk dalam barisan aritmatika dengan:







Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Diket : a= 2

b= 3

U1 = 2

U2 = 5

U3 = 8

ditanya : Un25?

Jawab :

Un = a+(n-1)b

U25 = 2(25-1).3

= 2+(24).3

= 2+72

= 74

Jadi,kemampuan coloring pd hari ke-25 sebanyak 74 gambar.

(semoga membantu)

10. cara coloring yang tepat dan benar​


Tentukan dulu warna yang cocok untuk kamu. ...

2. Gunakan mangkuk dan kuas. ...

3. Cuci rambut dua hari sebelum pewarnaan. ...

4. Sediakan dua kotak pewarna rambut. ...

Lakukan tes pada rambut dan kulit. ...

6. Lindungi baju dan lingkungan. ...

7. Aplikasikan produk pewarna dari akar rambut. ...

Tunggu 20 sampai 30 menit.


cra coloring ap ka??? rambuttt khhh??


Cara Cat Rambut Sendiri:

- Tentukan dulu warna yang cocok untuk kamu

- Gunakan mangkuk dan kuas

- Cuci rambut dua hari sebelum pewarnaan

- Sediakan dua kotak pewarna rambut

- Lakukan tes pada rambut dan kulit

- Aplikasikan produk pewarna dari akar rambut

- Tunggu 20 sampai 30 menit


maaf kalo salah

11. pengertian coloring dalam design grafis adalah

Pemberian warna dalam suatu design

12. C.Complete the key phrases below.I have no idea.NEED TO ANSWER_________________ no idea.​


i have no idea

is it right?


Sorry, I have no idea.


13. bagaimana cara coloring wajah anime dengan benar​


pertama warna dasar, kedua di shading, usap menggunakan kapas, beri sedikit warna putih


(pake kertas HVS lebih bagus lagi) ;)

14. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

15. pengertian coloring dalam design grafis

pemberian warna pada suatu objek

16. coloring adalah ?dijawab dengan benar ya​


Dalam bahasa Inggris arti dari coloring adalah warna


semoga bisa membantu

17. jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan pass key, master key, grand master key, emergency key?

pass key : kata sandi

master key :penguasa kunci

grand master key :penguasa kunci terlama

emergency key :kunci darurat

maaf kalau salah ^-^

18. We've done this math problem at leastten times, but our answer is wrongaccording to the answer key. The answerin the book wrong.​



semoga membantu



semoga membantu ,maaf kalau salah

19. apa perbedaan inking dengan coloring​


Inking adalah : Proses mewarnai dengan Kuas dan Tinta hitam di beberapa bagian komik

Coloring adalah : Proses mewarnai komik

Jadi, kesimpulannya adalah :

Inking adalah proses mewarnai dengan kuas dan tinta hitam. Sedangkan, Coloring adalah proses mewarnai komik seperti biasa (menggunakan spidol, pensil warna, dll.)

Semoga Membantu! ^^

Jadikan jawaban ini jawaban yang tercerdas! ^^



20. Howard hughes medical institute cells of the immune system student worksheet answer key !


Answer key


A key answer is an answer that is key. That is, it's the most important of several possible answers to a question.

Sarcomere Coloring Answer Key. There are any Sarcomere Coloring Answer Key in here.

Lesson 2 Homework 4 1

Lesson 2 Homework 4.1


The objective of this lesson is to practice working with fractions by solving multi-step problems.


In this lesson, you will be presented with several multi-step problems involving fractions. You will need to solve each problem by using your knowledge of fractions and other math skills. After you have solved each problem, you should check your answer to make sure it is correct.
When solving multi-step problems with fractions, it is important to take your time and read the problem carefully. Make sure you understand what each step is asking you to do. If you are not sure how to solve a step, try breaking it down into smaller parts and use other math skills to help you solve it.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 1. i studied the lesson (active)the lesson2.mia did the homework successfully (active) the homework3.father washed the car this morning (active) the car bantuin ya plisssss ​


the lesson was studied by me

the homework was done by mia successfully

the car was washed by father this morning

2. Lesson : Chinese Lesson Teacher : Tài Tài. Tan Qui Ratna ( Tài Tài Qui ) Apakah homework saya sudah betul?

Biasanya, guru (teacher) dalam bahasa mandarin disebut Lǎoshī /老师

3. bout. A. English Lesson ( Misal : I think English lesson is interesting) 1. 2.. 3 4. 5.​


soal nya radak ngak jelas toling di betulkan ya

4. Identification | Result1.Characters |1.2.Setting. |2.3.Complication. |3.4.Resolution. |4.5.Moral lesson. |5.​



5. tolong kak1.kegunaan homework? 2.untuk apa homework?butuh buat Bunda aku​


1Meningkatkan kesiapan menghadapi dunia kerja. ...

Metode meningkatkan performa akademik

2  pekerjaan rumah


6. 1.homework - she - do - can - her(+)(-)(?)2.homework - she - do - could - her(+)(-)(?)3.homework - she - do - able to - her(+)(-)(?)plis jawab ​

1. (+) she can do her homework

(-) she can not do her homework

(?) can she do her homework?

2. (+) she could do her homework

(-) she could not do her homework

(?) could she do her homework?

3. (+) she is able to do her homework

(-) she ia not able to do her homework

( ?) is she able to do her homework?

7. Mother: Are you ready for the test? Gilang : Yes, I studied the lesson as soon as... a. I am doing the homework. b. I was doing the homework. c. I would do the homework. d. I had done the homework. e. I did the homework.​




Ya, aku mempelajarinya setelah aku selesai dengan pekerjaan rumahku

8. and choose must or mustn't1. You.... talk on the mobile atthe lesson.2. Youdrink cola at the lesson.ET. Youshout in the classroom.4. Youdraw on the desk atschool.AP6. Youdo your homework everyday.5. Youlisten to your teacher.​


1. Mustn't

2. Mustn't

3. Mustn't

4. Mustn't

5. Must

6. Must

Semoga membantu & jangan lupa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa^^


6. Stating of capability sentences :

a. First statement

(+) I can cook delicious spaghetti.(-) I can't cook delicious spaghetti(?) Can I cook delicious spaghetti?

b. Second statement

(+) My father can repair the broken bicycle.(-) My father can't repair the broken bicycle.(?) Can my father repair the broken bicycle?

7. Changing to the negative an interrogative form :

a. First sentence

(-) They are not able to win the football match(?) Are they able to win the football match?

b. Second sentence

(-) She can not make a cup of tea.(?) Can she make a cup of tea?

8. Stating of willingness :

a. First sentence

(+) She will answer my phone call.(-) She will not answer my phone call.(?) Will she answer my phone call?

b. Second sentence

(+) My mom will watch the TV show with me.(-) My mom will not watch the TV show with me.(?) Will my mom watch the TV show with me?

9. Changing to the negative and interrogative form :

a. First sentence

(-) I will not visit your house.(?)Will I visit your house?

b. Second sentence

(-) She will not come to your office(?) Will she come to your office?PembahasanStating of Capability

Stating of capability adalah pernyataan mengenai kemampuan kita untuk melakukan suatu hal. Penggunaannya dalam kalimat ditandai dengan :

Present : Can, ablePast : could

Rumus :

Present : S + Can + V1 + OPast : S + Could + V1 + OStating of Willingness

Stating of willingness adalah pernyataan mengenai kemauan atau kesanggupan untuk melakukan suatu hal.

Pengunaannya dalam kalimay ditandai dengan :

Present : willPast : would

Rumus :

Present : S + Will + V1 + OPast : S + Would + V1 + ODitanyakan

6. Make two examples of stating capability.

7. Changing the sentence into the negative and interrogative form.

They are able to win the football match.She can make a cup of tea.

8. Make two examples of stating willingness.

9. Changing the sentence into the negative and interrogative form.

I will visit your house.She will come to your office.Penjelasan

6. Stating of capability sentences :

a. First statement

(+) Aku bisa memasak spaghetti yang lezat.(-) Aku tidak bisa memasak spaghetti yang lezat.(?) Bisakah aku memasak spaghetti yang lezat?

b. Second statement

(+) Ayahku bisa memperbaiki sepeda yang rusak.(-) Ayahku tidak bisa memperbaiki sepeda yang rusak.(?) Bisakah ayahku memperbaiki sepeda yang rusak?

7. Changing to the negative an interrogative form :

a. First sentence

(-) Mereka tidak mampu memenangkan pertandingan sepak bola tersebut.(?) Mampukah mereka memenangkan pertandingan sepak bola tersebut?

b. Second sentence

(-) Dia tidak bisa membuat segelas teh.(?) Bisakah dia membuat segelas teh?

8. Stating of willingness :

a. First sentence

(+) Dia akan menjawab teleponku.(-) Dia tidak akan menjawab teleponku(?) Akankah dia menjawab teleponku?

b. Second sentence

(+) Ibuku akan menonton acara TV bersamaku.(-) Ibuku tidak akan menonton acara TV bersamaku.(?) Akankah ibuku menonton acara TV bersamaku?

9. Changing to the negative and interrogative form :

a. First sentence

(-) Aku tidak akan mengunjungi rumahmu(?) Akankah aku mengunjungi rumahmu?

b. Second sentence

(-) Dia tidak akan datang ke kantormu(?) Akankah dia datang ke kantormu?Pelajari lebih lanjutAsking and stating willingness willingness in present of Stating willingness








10. 1 Follow the lines and write.Lesson171231 It's Biblio's pencil32 They're4​


I don't understand what does the caution because you are not explain how to do that some more detail please

11. Vocabularies :My pictureAmazingDifficultNot yetbeautifulcolorfuleasyaboutby the wayfinishbecauseveryhomeworkEnglish lessonfavorite lessonproblemtolong dijawab kak makasihh​


1. gambarku




5. cantik

6. berwarna



9. ngomong²



12. sangat

13. pelajaran bhs.inggris

14.pelajaran kesukaan/favorit

15. masalah


semoga membantu

12. 49. do- forget-to-your-Don't -homework!a. Don't forget to do your homework!b. Don't forget do to your homework!c. Don't do to homework your forget!d. Don't do your homework to forget!50. go-together - Let's-shopping(1 2 3 4a. 3-2-1-4b. 3-4-2-1c. 3-2-1-4d. 3-1-4-2​


49. A

50. D


semoga membantu maaf jika salah

13. I can do my homework myself,but I will not do it because I don't understand the lesson​


read bismillah before working

14. 4.Tono:Yesterday I front of the class Siring the lesson. Mira:Why? Tono:I ...... to do my homework. I also ....... late.​






15. 4.------_during the lesson!​


kok soalnya gak jelas begini ya.........


maaf gak jawab

dont sleep during the lesson

16. e. Mention the rules when you have a lesson ?1)2)3)4)5)​


1. appreciate teachers who teach

2. listen well

3. don't make trouble in class

4. ask questions politely

5. not sleeping while the teacher teaches

17. Dialogue 1Ari : (1) is your homework?Diki : 1 (2). the homework is ..........(3)Ari : What(4) studying together?Diki : 15) with you.​


3..... so hard


Maaf kalo salah bisa juga so many

18. siswa you look so busy siswi yes tomorrow is english lesson and my english teachear always.... Our homework​

checks/ grades

dia sibuk (busy) karena gurunya mau ngecek/nilai PR nya

19. Artinya ``I'll make sure that I will catch up on your lesson and do my homework immediatly. Waht will elin probaly do to catch up her lesson and.Homework


Saya akan memastikan bahwa saya akan mengejar pelajaran Anda dan segera mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya.

Apa yang akan dilakukan Elin untuk mengejar pelajarannya dan. Pekerjaan rumah.

20. 1. Lesson 1 tentang Greetings (Menyapa) 2. Lesson 2 tentang pengenalan diri (Introduction) kemudian (Personal pronoun dan possesive pronoun) 3. Lesson 3 tentang Present Tense (+) (-) (?)​


1. a : hi, mate. i'm ash

2. Aisy : Hi. What's your name?

Layla : Hi. I'm Layla. And you?

Aisy : I'm aisy!


nomer 3 aku gak paham.. mungkin yang lain bisa :)

kalo kurang, boleh di komen yaa

maaf kalau salah

kalau salah boleh report kok..

point nya gede soalnya :D

Lesson 2 Homework 4 1. There are any Lesson 2 Homework 4 1 in here.