
Name Something That Becomes More Active After Dark

After the sun goes down and the sky turns dark, many creatures become more active. From the most mundane of animals to the most exotic, the night brings a variety of activity. Bats, for example, come out in full force after dark. They use echolocation to hunt for insects, and during the night they become a common sight in the sky. Insects also come alive after dark. Fireflies, moths, and many other insects are most active at night, making them much easier to spot. Nocturnal animals, such as raccoons and opossums, also become more active at night. These animals use the cover of darkness to scavenge for food and shelter. Even humans become more active after dark. Nighttime is when people go out for dinner, drinks, or a night on the town. It’s a time for socializing, having fun, and just being alive. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, the night brings a special kind of energy that can’t be found during the day. So the next time you step outside after dark, take a moment to appreciate the different creatures coming out to play.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. why do you think that linguistics becomes more challenging?​


bingungg numpang ambil poin.. butuhh hyung


2. Do you know that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking?

Yes, I do. The passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking. Although they didn't smoke, but they can be illYes, I know it.
Cause the passive smoking was inhaling gas of carbon monoxide.
It's more danger than be active smoking.

3. Do you know that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking

itu di translate.?
apakah kmu tau perokok passive lbih brbahaya ketimbang perokok aktif.?yes of course..
do you ever see an ads about cancer recently in TV?
a woman can't speak because her vocal cord cancer..
i'm a TB survivor too..although i don't smoke..

4. contoh kalimat for something that happened Before and After another Action In the past​


"Before I graduated from college, I had never held a full-time job, but after I received my diploma, I immediately landed a position at a top company."

5. parents____theira children go out after dark ​


go together


hope it helps sorry if i'm wrong

6. Marry is …... student in the school. * 10 points the most active the same active as active as more active


the most active


Marry is the most active student in the school.

7. Becomes-auther-novel-her-a-after-famaous-indah-published-is

⇒ Indah becomes a auther after her novel is published 

8. Apa arti dari " More Than An Active "

jawabannya lebih dari aktif more than an active artinya lebih dari aktif

9. Apa arti dari the time that mosquito is is active is in the evening after 5


waktu aktif nyamuk adalah pada sore hari setelah jam 5


maaf jika salah


waktu aktif nyamuk adalah pada sore hari setelah jam 5

10. Yang bener mana? Love is not something that we look for, but something that find us. Atau Love is not something that we seek, but something that find us.

love is not something that we seek, but something that find us
Love is not something we that seek, but something that finds us.

11. Prima is ... boy at the kindergartena. activeb. so activec. more actived. the most active​

Prima is the most active boy at the kindergarten


D. The Most Active

maaf kalau Salah ya :) gl

12. She becomes populer after joining miss universe 2006

Dia jadi terkenal setelah mengikuti miss universe tahun 2006Bismillahirohmanirohim

Jawabannya :

Arti " She becomes populer after joining miss universe 2006 adalah " Dia menjadi populer setelah bergabung dengan miss universe 2006

Semoga Membantu

13. 7. ) jnYou __________ letters that are addressed to other people. 8.) parents ________ their children go ont after dark.

Jawaban: 7) shouldn't read

8) shouldn't let

Penjelasan: maaf jika salah

14. Parents...their childre go out after dark

Parents...their children go out after dark

Orang tua ... anak-anak mereka pergi keluar setelah gelap


melarang en (forbid)

Parents forbid their children go out after dark

jadikan favorite ya hehehhe

15. parents....their children go aut after dark.

parents ask their children go out after dark

16. baby julia is ..... than baby kevin.A. activeB. so activeC. more activeD. the most active​

c. more active

maaf kalau salah

Menurut saya jawabannya adalah yang C yaitu "more acitve"

17. What is the name of form which is used to buy something that we want?


kalo ga salah purchase form

klo salah mohon maaf

18. The sky becomes very dark,as if it is night, kalimat ininyang benar bagaimana?

Subject : English

Category : Subjunctive

Level : SHS

Keyword : as if

AS IF/AS THOUGH digunakan dalam kalimat subjunctive. Klausa yang berawalan AS IF/AS THOUGH digunakan untuk menjelaskan peristiwa yang tidak sesuai kenyataan.

Jika tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan sekarang maka AS IF/AS THOUGH diikuti simple past.

e.g. He looks as if he won the lottery. (kenyataan dia (mungkin) tidak menang lotere).

Jika tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan dulu, maka AS IF/AS THOUGH diikuti dengan past perfect.

e.g. He looks as if he had won the lottery.

Jika kenyataannya sesuai dengan keadaan sekarang, pola yang digunakan adalah :

simple present AS IF/AS THOUGH simple present

e.g. He looks as if he wins the lottery.

(dia memang menang lotere)

Jadi kalimat "The sky becomes very dark,as if it is night"

yang benar adalah "The sky becomes very dark,as if it WAS night."

19. Arti unlike name who has magnificent books, name are more into animals. She has 3 dogs that need a lot of attention

(apakah name itu nama orang? if so, then)

Tidak seperti Nama yang mempunyai buku-buku menakjubkan, Name lebih suka hewan. Ia mempunyai 3 anj*ng yang membutuhkan perhatian

20. arti do something more

melakukan sesuatu yg lebihmelakukan sesuatu yang lebih

Name Something That Becomes More Active After Dark. There are any Name Something That Becomes More Active After Dark in here.

Words With R E G E N T

Words With R E G E N T

What is Words With R E G E N T?

Words With R E G E N T is a word game that allows players to use the letters R, E, G, E, and N to create as many words as they can. The goal of the game is to find as many words as possible in a limited amount of time.

How to Play Words With R E G E N T?

The goal of the game is to create as many words as you can using the letters R, E, G, E, and N. You can use each letter as many times as you want, or you can use them as few as possible. You can also rearrange the letters in any way you like. Once you have created a word, you will need to write it down on a piece of paper so that you can keep track of the words you have created.

Tips for Playing Words With R E G E N T

• Look for words with double letters, such as “regent” or “reengineer”. • Try to think of words that have a connection to the meaning of the game, such as “government” or “regent”. • Look for words with silent letters, such as “regnal” or “renegade”. • Think of other words that can be created with the same letters, such as “enter” or “green”. • Mix up the order of the letters to find new words. • Keep track of the words you have created by writing them down on a piece of paper.

How to Win Words With R E G E N T?

The goal of the game is to find as many words as possible in a limited amount of time. The player who finds the most words wins.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. arrange the wordsn-e-k-er-g-f-e-i-ns-t-e-h-cu-g-t-n-o-e​


1. n-e-k-e

= knee

2. r-g-f-e-i-n

= grefin

3. s-t-e-h-c

= secth

4. u-g-t-n-o-e

= gotune


maaf kalau salah

2. Rarrange this words 1.s-u-p-r-e-a-d-e 2.q-u-t-h-a-r-e-a-e-s-k 3.g-e-g-e-d-l-n-g-o 4.t-i-r-e-m-e-s-e-t-n-v-d-a


1. superade

2. quthareaesk



3. words 1.l-a-t-l 2.i-e-d-w 3.t-r-a-e-g 4.n-u-n-f-y 5.r-a-b-e-v 6.t-h-e-h-l-a-y 7.r-e-c-h-e-l-u-f 8.d-o-b-e-t-l-e-n 9.n-o-s-r-e-g-u-e 10.e-v-a-t-t-a-c-i-r-t​


1. tall

2. wide

3. great

4. funny

5. brave

6. healthy

7. cheerful

8. (maaf saya nggak tau)

9. generous

10. attractive


1. ilat 2. dewi 3. traeg 4. nunfy 5. vebar


4. Find 12 words about verb-ing with left-right, right left, up-down, down-up, and diagonal F E F R D C V A D A V G I N B D I S K E G N I Y A L P G T E D M S O L P Y E I G H A A U R A E R H K A G G N I K A M S I N L U S I I T N G E E R F D D C G L O T N I N I C B N V T I I N E M E T G O L W B Q E W N N I R E N I D E L L O L T A G G M S O Y N P A T R L R T N U R M R U N G R O W I N G R I E U I F U N D I E N P L M C O E S W A L K I N G H E S X A D B H S H A P P Y E E T A M E S F K A I S A R T G N I D N E S A W R I T I N G I S A D H Y E N 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 6 12


1. dancing

2. walking


4. borrowing

5. playing

6. making


8. growing

9. swimming

10 . fishing

11. riding

12. telling

5. OCCUPATION/JOB Arrage this words F M A N R E I = S H I R E C A= E C T I N L E A R C I A = C H T U B E R= U S R N E = T T O N S E I= R P C A T E N E R= please jawab besok di kumpulin

#R P C A T E N E R= Carpenter (Tukang kayu)
#U S R N E =Nurse(Perawat)
#C H T U B E R=Butcher (Tukang daging)
# F M A N R E I =Fireman (Pemadam kebakaran)

Sorry ya baru tau setenggah doang
Semoga bermanfaat!!

6. Arrange the following letters into the correct words!a. l--n-eb. r-t-g-e-aAnswer:Mohon bantuannya ya ​


b. great

a. line

( yang a tanda"-" ada 2 itu maksud nya bagaimana kah ? )

7. arrange the words r-e-t-r-e-c-a

terrace ( teras/ halaman depan )


8. Arrange the words into a meaningful word1. E-U-E-X-C-S=2. T-I-A-T-O-E-N-T-N=3. E-C-R-A-L=4. D-N-U-E-RN-D-A-T-S =5. O-G-O-D=6. T-A-E-R-G=7. L-L-E-W-O-N-D-E=8. 0-D-G-O-B-O-J=9. H-I-T-K-N=10. P-0-0-I-I-N=​


1. Excuse

2. Attention

3. Clear

4. Understand

5. Good

6. Great

7. Well Done

8. Good Job

9. Think

10. Opinion

9. find ten words that are associated with television.make sentences using those words. S A T E L L I T E A B C D E F P V A R E M O T E C O N T R O L G R I T P R E P O R T E R P O L J H O E T L Y X W V U T S R Q N M K I G W E A B R O A D C A S T Z Y X W R E L Y A B C A C T R E S S K L S A R O T E L E V I S I O N T U V T M S D C O M M E N T A T O R Y X U V W. tolong di bantu iya soalnya buat besok, makasih

1. SATELLITE - Satellite offices in London and New York
2. REMOTE CONTROL - I lost my remote control
3. REPORTER - I want to be a reporter
4. BROADCAST - The announcement was broadcast live
5. ACTRESS - She is a beautiful actress
6. TELEVISION - My television was broken
7. COMMENTATOR - The commentator does not make sense

Maaf cuma ketemunya 7

10. grui Words!di kata-kata yang bermakna!6. g - e-m -o-p-a-n a -r-e-t-a7. t-a-o-p-o-et​


6. Game proteana


Game proteana
Maaf klo salah

11. arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence! a. N-U-G-O-S-E-R =b. P-T-A-N-O-S-M =c. N-I-C-K-T-E-H =d. E-R-A-R-C-T-E =​


a. surgeon

b. postman

c. kitchen

d. terrace

12. Find more than 15 words in the boxes!сROlz0OoD1ALEZCAAR0VIOB0NSMA0NKEYBBMNNO ORO0STERR1EAHBRDALRSTK1G1RAFFEAE1ENEРou1GENBG10BFАLLGUELEРHANTAUOloxwoLRРEAСCKсTOloLNАRDGBEAKоM0DRAGNRemedialULILLWrite these pictures with the right words!a. 47DD-II​


knp gk di ss atau gk di foto aja?


percuma kalo kayak gini mah








Maaf cuma itu yang ketemu

( kenapa nenggak di foto aja)

13. Activity 9Arrange the jumbled letters to form meaningful adjectives. See-the cue words. Read and spell the words. What do the words mean?1. L-a-t-1(high)2. I cd-w(large)3. T-r-a-e-g(good)4. N-u-n-f-y(humorous)5. R-a-be-v(courageous)6. T-h-e-h-l-a-y(fit)7. R-e-c-h-e-l-u-f(merry)8. D-o-b-e-t-i-e-n :(loyal)9. N-0-s-r-e-g-u-e(kind)10. E-v-a-t--a-c-i-r-t :interesting).


Adjectives yang terbentuk dari huruf-huruf acak adalah high, large, good, humorous, courageous, fit, merry, loyal, kind, dan interesting.


Adjectives adalah kata sifat atau kata deskriptif yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan sifat atau kualitas seseorang atau sesuatu. Adjectives yang terbentuk dari jumbled letters ini dapat digunakan untuk melukiskan orang dan benda sekitar.

14. Arrange the jumbled letters to form meaningful adjectives.See the cue words.Read and spell the words.What do the words mean?1. tat-(high)2. ied-w(large)3. t-r-a-e-g(good)4. nu-n-f-y(humorous)5. r-a-b-e-v(courageous)6. t-h-e-h-l-a-y(fit)7. r-e-c-h-e- u-f(merry)8. d-o-b-e-t-i-e-n(loyal)9. n-o-s-r-e-g-u-e(kind)0. e-v-a-t-t-a-c-i-r-t :(interesting)​


2. wide

3. great

4. funny

5. brave

6. healthy

7. cheerful

0. attractive

15. arrange these jumbled words into a good order a. F-E-C-H b.D-E-C-A-N-R c.I-A-L-T-O-R d.L-E-H-T-A-E-T e.U-D-J-E-G BANTUIN YA PLZ

a. Chef
b. Dancer
c. Tailor
d. Athlet
e. Judge

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :Da. Chef
b. Dancer
c. Tailor
d. Athlete
e. Judge
Thank you.

16. arrange the jumbled letters to form meaningful adjective.See the cue words.Read and spell the words.What do the words mean?1. i-e-d-w2. t-r-a-e-g3. r-a-b-e-v4. t-h-e-h-l-a-y5. r-e-c-h-e-l-u-f6. d-o-b-e-t-i-e-n7. n-o-s-r-e-g-u-e8. e-v-a-t-t-a-c-i-r-tBantu jawab


1. wide = luas, lebar

2. great = bagus

3. brave = berani

4. healthy = kesehatan

5. cheerful = riang

6. obedient = taat

7. generous = murah hati

8. attractif = menarik

17. A.Guess the words 1. t-p-r-i= 2. e-y-u-r-o-j-n= 3. c-n-p-i-c-i= 4. o-u-a-t-i-n-n-m= 5. k-l-a-e= 6. h-a-e-c-b= 7. t-e-n-i-e-g-r-n-s-t-i= 8. e-r-n-s-c-e-y= 9.i-w-e-v= b.make simple dialogue about asking and giving opinion using your own words! tolong jawab yaa

1. trip
2. journey
3. picnic
4. mountain
5. lake
6 beach
8. scenery
9. viewA.
1. Trip
2. journey
3. picnic
4. mountain
5. lake
6. beach
7. -
8. scenery
9. view

18. Arrange into good words! 1. n-g-e-e-v-i-n 2. l-o-l-h-e 3. i-e-n-f 4.m-e-n-a 5. t-a-r-o-n-o-n-e-f 6.h-t-i-n-g

1 evening= siang
2 hello=halo
3 fine=baik
4 name= nama
5 ??
6 thing=??

1. Evening

2. Hello

3. Fine

4. Mean / Amen

5. Afternoon

6. Thing

19. arrange the jumbled letters into words r-s-r-g-a-t-a-n-d-n-e-p

The answer is grandparents

20. Rearrange the jumbled letters below to form good words.1. T-E-B-H-R-O-R2 U-T-N-A3. L-N-E-C-U4. E-H-T-A-F-R5. S-T-R-I-S-E6.U-R-T-H-G-D-A-E7. U-S-I-C-0-N8. E-I-C-N-E9. P-W-N-H-E-E10.0-S-N​


1. brother

2. aunt

3. uncle

4. father

5. sister

6. daughter

7. cousin

8. niece

9. nephew

10. son

Words With R E G E N T. There are any Words With R E G E N T in here.

Leave As From The Union

Leave As From The Union


Leave As From The Union is when a country or state decide to withdraw its membership from a union or organization, such as the European Union or the United Nations.


The idea of leaving a union or organization has been around since the dawn of modern history. In the past, many countries have withdrawn from international organizations or unions due to political or economic differences. In recent years, some countries have left the European Union or the United Nations in order to pursue their own policies and interests.

Reasons for Leaving

A country or state may decide to leave a union or organization for a variety of reasons. These could include an inability to agree on shared policies and interests, a desire to pursue an independent policy, or a belief that the costs of membership outweigh the benefits.


Leaving a union or organization can have significant implications, both domestically and internationally. Domestically, it may lead to economic and political disruption, while internationally it can lead to diplomatic tensions and strained relations with other countries.


Recent examples of countries leaving a union or organization include the UK's decision to leave the European Union, and the US's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.
Leaving a union or organization can be a difficult and controversial decision, and it is important to consider the potential implications before taking such a step. It is also important to remember that the decision to leave a union or organization is not irreversible, and that countries may be able to rejoin at a later date if circumstances change.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. WRITINGTaskFind the synonyms of the following words taken from the dialogue above as many aspossible!1. Forest2. Leave3. Plan4.Trip5.Village​


1. wood, jungle

2. go, depart

3. schedule, draft

4. travel, journey

5. suburb, hamlet

2. Why did the ugly duckling leave from the farmyard?

mengapa bebek jelek meninggalkan dari pertenakan?

leave from to find food

3. As my father (leave) the house, the postman (arrive)

Saat ayah meninggalkan rumah, tukang pos datang.Ayah ku meninggal kan rumah, tukang pos tiba

4. Mention some leave taking expressions from the dialogue above!

sebutkan salah satu ungkapan tentang dialog tersebut

5. the news reached....just as were....about to leave their house​


The news reached them just as we were about to leave their house.


The news reached them just as we were about to leave their house.

Bila diterjemahkan, akan menjadi: Berita itu sampai ke mereka di waktu kita hendak meninggalkan rumah mereka. Tidak ada aturan/kaidah kebahasaan khusus, '...' perlu diisi dengan obyek (yaitu yang dikenakan aksi oleh subyek, dan subyek kedua di bagian kalimat setelah konjungsi 'as'). Bentuk verb/kata kerja tidak perlu diperhatikan.

6. Apa bahasa indonesia why did the ugly duckling leave from the he farmyard


arti nya : mengapa itik jelek pergi dari peternakannya


btw di google bisa translate lhooo

Jadiin Jawaban Tercerdas

7. [ENG] What were the first and last Soviet republics to leave the Soviet Union?[IDN] Apa republik Soviet pertama dan terakhir yang meninggalkan Uni Soviet?​


[ENG] Lithuania was the first republic to officially break away from the USSR and restore independence in the Act of March 11, 1990 (not counting the autonomy of Nakhchivan, which had declared independence from both the USSR and the Azerbaijan SSR a few weeks earlier, later rejoining Azerbaijan).

The Kazakh SSR was renamed the Republic of Kazakhstan on 10 December 1991, which declared its independence six days later, as the last republic to leave the USSR on 16 December 1991.

[IDN] Lituania adalah republik pertama yang secara resmi melepaskan diri dari Uni Soviet dan memulihkan kemerdekaan dalam Undang-Undang 11 Maret 1990 (tidak termasuk otonomi Nakhchivan, yang telah mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan dari Uni Soviet dan RSS Azerbaijan beberapa minggu sebelumnya, kemudian bergabung kembali Azerbaijan).

RSS Kazakh diubah namanya menjadi Republik Kazakhstan pada 10 Desember 1991, yang mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya enam hari kemudian, sebagai republik terakhir yang meninggalkan Uni Soviet pada 16 Desember 1991.


Republik Pertama Yang Meninggalkan Uni Soviet adalah LITHUANIA

Republik Terakhir Yang Meninggalkan Uni Soviet adalah KAZAKHSTAN

8. Mention some of leave taking expression from the dialogue above artinya

Sebutkan beberapa ekspresi leave-taking dari dialog diatas

9. Which one of the following expressions is regarded as take leave?


Pertanyaannya kurang jelas


10. the news reached....just as were....about to leave their house​



berita itu sampai pada saat hendak meninggalkan rumah mereka


berita itu sampai .... tepat saat .... akan meninggalkan rumah mereka

at home

House owner

maaf kalo salah yah

11. change the sentences in to passive # the manager decid to continue the meeting answer: # she will leave the job as soon as possible answer:

Passive voice :

1. active : The manager decided to continue the meeting. (simple past)
 passive : The meeting was decided to continue by the manager.

2. active : She will leave the job as soon as possible. (simple future)
 passive : The job will be left by her as soon as possible.


12. The expressions of leave taking(saying good bye) such as?

1. i'll leaving now
2.see you soon

13. Turn from ACTIVITE into PASSIVE . 1. You must leave the bathroom tidy.

the tidy bathroom must be leave

14. Please write down expression greeting and leave taking from the dialogue below


Greeting :

- Hello Keisha...

-Hello Reval...


-Oh, okay Goodbye...

-Good bye!

maaf kalo salah iya kak

15. mention some leave taking expression from the dialogue above​


See you later!

good bye!

sorry i have to go now!

l'll talk to you later!

its been nice talking to you!

Penjelasan:Contoh Dialog Leave Taking

Ardi : Hello Dika. Good afternoon. (Halo Dika. Selamat siang)

Dika : Good afternoon Ardi. Where are you going? (Selamat siang Ardi. Kamu mau kemana?)

Ardi : I’m going to the bookstore. Would you like to accompany me? (Aku mau pergi ke toko buku. Maukah kamu menemaniku?)

Dika : No, Sorry. I have to go home right now. (Tidak, Maaf aku harus pulang ke rumah sekarang juga)

Ardi : Oh, okay. Good bye. (Oh, baiklah. Selamat tinggal)

Dika : Good bye Ardi. (Selamat tinggal Ardi)

leave taking adalah kalimat penutup di dalam dialog

16. Mention some of leave talking expression from the dialogue above answer

Terjemahannya adalah
Sebutkan beberapa ekspresi leave dari jawaban dialog di atas.

Vocab :
mention = sebutkan.
leave = meninggalkan.
expression = ekspresi.
dialogue = dialog.
above = di atas.
answer = jawaban.

17. we can conclude from the text the staffs can take their 2-days annual leave after

Bisa kita simpulkan dari bacaan tersebut bahwa para karyawan bisa mengambil 2 hari jatah cuti tahunan mereka setelah

Bacaannya ada di mana kah?

18. get the error from the bold words! 3. Switch off all lamps before leave the workshop. a. switch d. before b. off e. leave c. lamps

_Error Recognition_

Answer : e. leave

sebab : sesudah preposition (before), gunakan gerund (leaving)

Smoga membantu
Maaf klo salah

19. 1. write the expressions of greeting from dialogue?2. write the expression of leave-taking in the dialogue?​


dialog 1 :

• Tom : good morning ,Jess

Jessica : good morning ,Tom

Tom : How's life?

Jessica : bad,because i lose Lisa book

Tom : don't worry,i will help you to find it.

Jessica : thanks a lot , Tom

Tom : no problem.

dialog 2 :

• Loopy : It was so fun, Jack

Jack : yeah,lets watch movie again !

Loopy : sure , see you next time Jack

Jack : alright ,see you next time


sorry if that's answer wrong

20. as my father(leave) the house, the postman(arrive)

As my father was leaving (leave) the house, the postman arrived (arrive).


Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense adalah suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau.

Rumus verbal:

(+) S + V2

(-) S + did + not + V1

(?) Did + S + V1?

Rumus nominal:

(+) S + To Be (Was/Were) + nominal

(-) S + To Be (Was/Were) + not + V1

(?) To Be (Was/Were) + S + V1?

Past Continous Tense

Past continous tense adalah kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan sedang terjadi.


(+) S + To Be(Was/Were) + Verb1 + ing

(-) S + To Be (Was/Were) + not + Verb1 + ing

(?) To Be (Was/Were) + S + Verb1 + ing?

Tambahan :

Was = digunakan untuk subyek singular/tunggal. Yakni : I, He, She, dan It.

Were = digunakan untuk subyek plural/jamak. Yakni : You, We, dan They.

Terkait soal:

As my father (leave) the house, the postman (arrive)


As my father was leaving, the postman arrived.

=> Alasan pertama (As my father was leaving) : memakai was leaving karena termasuk past continous (kejadian di masa lampau dan sedang terjadi). Menggunakan to be was karena Subyeknya (Father) adalah singular/tunggal. Rumus : S + was + V1 + ing

==> Alasan kedua (the postman arrived) : memakai V2 karena termasuk simple past (kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau). Rumus : S + V2

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi simple past tense dan past continuous tense lainnya:

DETAIL JAWABAN:Mapel : Bahasa InggrisKelas : 8Bab : 9 - Past tense (past simple and continous)Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5.9Kata Kunci : Simple Past, Past Continous

Leave As From The Union. There are any Leave As From The Union in here.

Where Polo Was Invented Crossword

Where Polo Was Invented Crossword is a crossword puzzle that asks the question: "Where was the game of polo invented?" The answer is **Persia**. Polo is thought to have originated as a training game for Persian cavalry as early as the 6th century BC.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. When was cotton invented? Who invented cotton? Where was cotton invented?


discovered and estimated to be from 8000 YEARS ago.

discovered by archaeologists from a Mexican cave.

indus valley civilization since 3000 yrs BC.


maaf kalo salah

2. Paper .... (invented) in China long time agoa. were inventedb. was inventedc. are inventedd. is inventede. invented​

B. was invented

passive voice dalam bentuk past simple


e. invented


karena soal berbentuk simple past tense active voice

a were invented ( past continus passive voice)

b. was invented (past continus passive voice)

c. are invented (simple present passive voice)

d. is invented (simple present passive voice)

e. invented (simple past tense active voice)

3. Who invented steam engine and when was it invented?

Itu kan artinya : 
Siapa yang menemukan mesin uap dan kapan ditemukannya ?

Mesin uap ditemukan oleh James Watt pada tahun was invented by James Watt in 1769

4. when was the lamp invented

kapan lampu diciptakaan

5. where , when and how are the first fireworks invented ?​


Many historians argue that fireworks were first created in China.

According to historical records, firecrackers and fireworks emerged from the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) and flourished during the Song Dynasty. Until finally, China used the 'technology' of bamboo and gunpowder to make the first firecrackers around 1,000 BC. Li Tian, ​​a Chinese monk, filled bamboo with salt-based gunpowder and burned it. After that, there was a simple explosion along with bursts of bright white light into the night sky.


Either way, a legendary person invented gunpowder in China about two millennia ago. All it took from there was a mashup of the bamboo and gunpowder “technologies” to create the first fireworks around 1,000 A.D.: Li Tan, a Chinese monk, stuffed bamboo with a saltpeter-based gunpowder and launched it into a fire

Sorry if wrong

6. The first computer ..... in the 1940s a. was invented b. is invented c. will be invented


The first computer ..... in the 1940s

a. was invented

The first computer ..... in the 1940s

a. was invented

b. is invented

c. will be invented

7. what was thomas alva edison invented?​

Thomas Alva Edison Invented Light bulb

light buld. maaf klo slh

8. when was elevator invented ???? tolong di bantu ya

Elevator was invented in 1880


kapan elevator ditemukan?


cuma tau Inggris nya ga tau jwbnya:v

9. when was the earlist bicyle invented ?​

kapan sepeda paling awal ditemukan?

10. 26) a.was written. b. are written c. where written written27) a.were bought b. where buy c.were buying d.were buyed28) a.was taught b. wasn't taught c. were taught d.weren't taught29) a. were invented b. was invented c. is invented d.are bring invented30) a.was printed b.were printed c. is printed d.are printedplease bantu Jawab ya​


26. a

27. c

28. a

29.kurnag tw

30. a







11. 6. Edo : Who was the electric fan invented by? Vino : I think it was invented by Thomas Alva Edison. Budi : No. It ... by Thomas Alva Edison. It was invented by Shuyler Wheeler. The suitable answer to complete the dialog is ....a. was inventedb. wasn't invented C. is inventedd. isn't invented ο​


b. wasn't invented


soalnya pertanyaannya pakek was, jadi jawabnya juga pakek was

12. Elisha Otis ... the first elevator.A. invention B. nventing C. was inventedD. invented ​




maaf kalo salah ya kak

Elisha Otis ... the first elevator.

A. Invention

A salah karena merupakan kata benda (noun), sedangkan yang dibutuhkan pada soal adalah kata kerja (verb).

B. Inventing

B salah karena untuk menggunakan V-ing (inventing) dibutuhkan to be (is/am/are/was/were)

C. Was invented

C salah karena was invented merupakan pasif."Elisha Otis was invented.." berarti Elisha Otis yang diciptakan, bukan elevatornya.

D. Invented ✔

Invented (menciptakan) ➔ Verb lampau (V2)"Elisha Otis invented the first elevator."Yang berarti "Elisha Otis menciptakan elevator pertama kali."

13. Why was the first Electric Touch invented​

Alessandro Volta in 1800 argued that electricity is like water and means that electricity is very useful because it has power. So that in the end he can make the battery as a source

14. How was rugby invented?​


in 1823 in England, at that time William Webb Ellis was playing football at the Rugby school.He had accidentally picked up and carried the ball. So a new game called rugby was created


pada tahun 1823 di England, pada waktu itu William Webb Ellis bermain sepak bola di sekolah Rugby. Dia secara tidak sengaja telah mengambil dan membawa bola tersebut. Maka tercipta lah sebuah permainan baru yg bernama rugby


semoga membantu:)

15. when was compass invented?? tolong ya di jawab


sekitar 206 sm ( sebelum masehi )

maaf kalo ada yg salah

16. when and why was rugby invented?​


Many believe that rugby was born in 1823 when William Webb Ellis "with fine disregard for the rules of football (note that football was yet to split into the various codes) as played in his time at Rugby school, first took the ball in his arms and ran with it, thus originating the distinctive feature of the Rugby game"

semogamembantu :)

17. Who was invented the compass? cari kesalahannya dan perbaiki


who was inventend the compas?


maaf kalo salah

Jawaban: Who Invented The Compass

Penjelasan: was dihilangin.

Maaf kalau salah ^-^

18. Alexander Graham Bell Was A Man.... invented The Telephone​


Alexander Graham Bell (/ˈɡreɪ.əm/, born Alexander Bell; March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922) was a Scottish-born inventor, scientist, and engineer who is credited with patenting the first practical telephone. He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.

19. A : do u know who invented the lightbulb? B : the electric lightbulb....... By thomas alfa edison A. Invented B. Was invented C. Invents D. Is invented

tje electric lightbulb was invented Jawabannya B (was invented)

20. 16.What is the active form of this sentence? "Light bulb was invented by Thomas A. Edison." A.Thomas A Edison was invented light bulb. B.Thomas A Edison has invented light bulb. C.Thomas A edison had invented light bulb. D.Thomas A Edison is invented light bulb E.Thomas A Edison invented light bulb.

The active form: Thomas A Edison invented light bulb. (Jawaban E)

PEMBAHASAN Pertanyaan: "What is the active form of this sentence?" "Light bulb was invented by Thomas A. Edison."

Maka, kalimat soal adalah kalimat bentuk Passive dan yang ditanyakan adalah kalimat bentuk aktifnya.


A.Thomas A Edison was invented light bulb.

Be + V3 ➡️ was + inventedSecara arti salah, tidak mungkin Thomas ditemukan oleh bola lampu

B.Thomas A Edison has invented light bulb.

Has/have + V3 ➡️ has + inventedSecara rumus ini kalimat aktif dari Present Perfect

C.Thomas A edison had invented light bulb.

Had + V3 ➡️ had + inventedSecara rumus ini kalimat aktif Past perfect

D.Thomas A Edison is invented light bulb

Be + V3 ➡️ is + inventedSecara rumus ini kalimat pasif dari Present Tense

E.Thomas A Edison invented light bulb.

S + V2 ➡️ Thomas + inventedSecara rumus ini kalimat aktif dari Past Tense

KESIMPULANBerikut berdasarkan rumus Past Tense:

➡️ Bentuk Active

S + V2 + OThomas A Edison invented light bulb.✔️Thomas A Edison menemukan bola lampu.

➡️ Bentuk Passive

O + Be (was/were) + V3 + By SLight bulb was invented by Thomas A. Edison. Bola lampu ditemukan oleh Thomas A. Edison.

Jadi, Jawaban adalah E. Thomas A Edison invented light bulb.


Passive Voice:

Detail JawabanMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Passive VoiceLevel: SHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Past Tense

Where Polo Was Invented Crossword. There are any Where Polo Was Invented Crossword in here.

Lewis Structure Of N2f4

Lewis Structures are an important tool used to represent the structure of molecules. They show the arrangement of atoms and the bonds between them. The Lewis Structure of N2F4 is a great example of how this tool can be used to understand a molecule’s structure. N2F4 is a tetrafluoronitrogen molecule, which means it has four fluorine atoms bonded to a central nitrogen atom. In Lewis Structure notation, the nitrogen is represented by an N, with two dots around it representing the two electrons that form the two covalent bonds. The four fluorine atoms are represented by F, each with seven dots around them representing the seven electrons forming four covalent bonds. The Lewis Structure of N2F4 shows the molecule in a linear shape, with the four fluorine atoms arranged in a straight line from the nitrogen atom. This arrangement allows the molecule to be highly stable due to the symmetrical distribution of the electrons. The central nitrogen atom has two lone pairs of electrons, which are not involved in bonding. These lone pairs help stabilize the molecule, making it resistant to changes in its environment. The Lewis Structure of N2F4 is an important tool for understanding the structure of this molecule and its properties. It helps us to visualize the arrangement of atoms and the bonds between them, which can be used to predict the behavior of the molecule and its properties.

Questions and Answers:

1. Draw the Lewis structure of 8O and 8O​


2. a. tuliskan konfigurasi elektron unsur N dan Fb. tentukan elektron valensi kedua unsur tersebutc. gambarkan rumus lewis dari N2F4

mungkin begitu menurut saya

3. pengertian dari: -orientation of generic structure -complication of generic structure -resolution of generic structure -re-orientation of generic structure

mungkin recount teks?

4. structure of billboard​


structure : title, image(picture), company name, moto


Modern billboards conform to engineering standards and are constructed of steel, while older billboard structures are made of wood or angle iron frames. A billboard may be smaller than the permitted size. This allows for the addition of a cutout or extension within the square foot envelope of the permitted area


semoga semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

follow aku ya kak

5. generic structure of postcard

A post card is a card  for sending messages by post with an envelope. the pattern of writing post card is bassed on the following clue
1.Sent to
2.Sent by


6. apakah yang dimaksud dengan structure of law

institusionalisasi Dan entitas2 hukum.. contohnya structure kekuasaan pengadilan diindonesia yg terdiri dari :
pengadilan tingkat I,,pengadilan banding,,pengadilan tingkat kasasi

7. The generic structure of the text is … .dalam indonesiaThe generic structure of the text is … .​


Struktur teks tersebut adalah..


Semoga membantu

8. Structure of narrative text


Narrative text structures should be easy to remember because the structure follows a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. ... Remember, narrative text structure uses a story structure that includes story elements such as setting, characters, conflict, plot (rising action, climax, falling action), and resolution.

9. write generic structure (text structure) of news item text!

Generic structures of News Item text :

Main Event / Newsworthy EventBackground Event / ElaborationSource


News item is a kind of text that has a purpose to inform readers / listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Generic structures :

A. Main event / newsworthy event

=> It is the main information. It explains the summary of an important event happens.

B. Background event / elaboration

=> It explains the the background of an event in details. Who are involved, where does it happen and how does it happen.

C. Source

=> It consists of the source of the news in the form of interviewees, the witnesses' comment, the expert's opinion, and the statement of involved subjects in an event.

Pelajari lebih lanjutPengertian News Item teks news item structures of news item jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: News Item Text (Reading text)

Kode: 10.5.1


10. generic structure of advertisement

Struktur generik iklan

11. Structure of pamphlet

A pamphlet is an unbound booklet (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourths (called a leaflet), or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in half and saddle stapled at the crease to make a simple book.In order to count as a pamphlet, UNESCO requires a publication (other than a periodical) to have "at least 5 but not more than 48 pages exclusive of the cover pages"; a longer item is a book

12. General structure of song


general structure of song


struktur umum lagu maaf jika salah

13. generic structure of email ?


14. generic structure of notice

the generic structure is
comment (perintah)
information (informasi)
rehabition (larangan)

15. generic structure of biography?

Struktur generik biografi?


16. Mention structure of froms??


menyebutkan struktur froms

tolong pencet jawaban yg paling cerdas

17. generic structure of invitation ?

1. Including event title: including the purpose or type of event will be held.
2. Showing orientation: inform about what will or who will come.
3. Stating date and time: including when or where the event will be held.
4. Giving closing statement: including hope of the writer to the reader to come to his or her event.

18. structure of congratulations

From, Mr. / Miss. …………
….……………………….. ……………………….. (Postal address)
Phone / Cell no………. ………………………. ………………
……… (Place)

My dear………………… (Name Formal or First name of the person as applicable)
It gives me immense pleasure/ happiness (as applicable) to convey my felicitation/ best wishes as applicable on glad/ successful occasion of ……………………….. (Name of event birthday, marriage, anniversary, success in exam/ project etc. as applicable) on ………… (Day/ Date). May god bless you & grant you many happy returns of the day/ or many more such greetings. (As applicable).

With warm regards, Yours lovingly / yours affectionately (As applicable)

To, Mr. / Miss ………………. …………
…………….. ……………………….. (Postal address)
Phone / Cell no………. ……………………….
……………………… (Place)

19. structure of narratie text.?

Structure of narrative text :
1. Orientation
2. Complication
3. Resolution
4. Re-orientation
orientation - the begining of the story
complication - the problem or climax of the story
resolution - the problem solving from the story

20. what is the genetic structure of the text? mention of the genetic structure of the text Singapore​


apa struktur genetik dari teks tersebut? penyebutan struktur genetik teks Singapura

Lewis Structure Of N2f4. There are any Lewis Structure Of N2f4 in here.

285 Lbs To Kg

285 Lbs to Kg is equal to __129.27 kg__. To convert pounds (lbs) to kilograms (kg), divide the number of pounds by 2.2. For example, __100 lbs__ is equal to __45.36 kg__ (100 ÷ 2.2 = 45.36).

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. a. 110 LBS itu berapa kg? b. 80 LBS itu berapa kg?


110 lbs itu 48,895 Kg atau dibulatkan jadi 50kg

80 lbs itu 36,287 kg atau di bulatkan jadi 36 kg

1 lbs = 453,6 gram

2. 1 LBS itu lebih besar atau lebih kecil dari 1 kg? Dan berapakah 1 LBS itu dalam kilogram?

dura ratus ribu 
oal ko sok sa je nak

3. 1 kg itu berapa lbs?

ya.."lbs" itu apa...?
lbs itu apa?
apa itu lbs?


4. diketahui berat bruto 5 karung gabah 300 kg Jika netto 285 kg taranya adalah...... Ket : jawab dgn caranya ya​


15 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

300 g - 285 kg = 15 kg.

semoga membantu

5. ......+285=285+455 isilah titik kosong tersebut​



moga bantu y geess.....

6. If 2.2 lbs = 1.0 kg, and Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs, what is her weight in newtons?


as it is given that

2.2 lbs = 1 kg

here we know that Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs

so its mass in kg is given as

m=130 1/2.2=59.1 kg

now to find the weight in Newton unit we can say


W=59.1 * 9.8


so 130 lbs weighs as 579 N in SI units



7. jelaskan pengertian ABSW,FCO,LBS,dan RECLOSER

1.LBS(load break switch)mrpkan saklar pemutus arus tiga fase untuk penempatan di luar ruas pd tiang pancang,yg dikendalikan scra elektronis.
2.ABSW(air break switch)adlh peralatan hubung yg berfungsi sbgi pemisah dan biasa dipasang pd jaringan luar.
3.RECLOSER(penutup balik otomatis/PBO)adlh peralatan yg digunakan untuk memproteksi bila ada gangguan.
itu yg saya tahu...Maaf klo salahh....

8. sin 285° cos 15° - cos 285° sin 15°

sin (a-b)= sin a .cos a - cos a .sin b
sin(285-15)= 270
sin 270= -1

9. sebuah agen beras memiliki persediaan 285 kg beras.hari ini datang lagi 146 kg beras untuk peesediaan dan terjual 78 kg.berapa kg beras yang masih tersisa di agen beras


285+146-78=349 Kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

mudah mudahan benar

10. apa kekurangan dan kelebihan LBS

LBS mempunyai kelebihan sbb:
- tetap berfungsi bila berada di dalam gedung
- impact interferensi medan elektromagnetik yang lain tidak terlalu besar

Kekurangan LBS sbb:
- coverage sangat bergantung pada coverage selular

11. terbuat dari bahan yang mampu menahan setidaknya 150 lbs daya dari arah manapun. apa kepanjangan dr lbs?

kepanjangan dari lbs adalah location based services
Location based services,

12. Berapakah atom karbon yang terdapat dalam 10 lbs gula, C12H22O11? (1 lbs = 0,454 kg) ???​


massa atom karbon = 1,91134 kg


1 lbs = 0,454 kg

10 lbs = 4,54 kg


jumlah atom karbon = 12

Ar C = 12

Ar H = 1

Ar O = 16

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 × Ar C) + (22 × Ar H) + (11 × Ar O)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 x 12) + (22 + 1) + (11 x 16)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 144 + 22 + 176

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 342

massa C = [tex]\frac{jumlah~atom~C~x~Ar~C}{Mr~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}}~x~massa~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}[/tex]

massa C = [tex]\frac{12~x~12}{342} ~x~4,54[/tex]

massa C = 0,421 x 4,54

massa C = 1,91134 kg

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang

Kadar unsur dalam senyawa Kadar senyawa


13. yang meninggal desa lbs 35 orang dengan angka kelahiran kasar 70 tentukanlah jumlah penduduk lbs

tinggal 70 dikurang 35
hasil 35
maaf klo slh

14. 285 di kurang[tex]285 - 68[/tex] 68 ​

285-68=217 Jawabannya kak




285 - 68 = 217

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


15. Jelaskan/sebutkan 1 lbs berapa kg


1 lbs/1 pound=0,454 kg

16. kapan berdirinya Lembaga Budaya Sunda ( LBS )

berdirinya tahun 1987
berdiri pada tahun 1978

17. ibu membeli 12 peti buah pisang berat setiap peti pisang 24 kg berat seluruh pisang yang dibeli Bibi adalaha 285 kg b 286 kg c 287 kg d 288 kg ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12×24kg=228 kg

semoga bermanfaat


jawabannya d.288

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


maaf kalau salah

18. 30 lbs berapa kilo gram?

30 lbs = ... kg
30 lbs setara dengan 13,64 kg

Maaf kalo salah...

19. Sebuah balok terbuat dari beton dengan panjang 1 m, lebar 0,5 m dan tinggi 2 m. Jika berat jenis material balok = 7850 kg/m³, jika 1 lbs sama dengan 0,46 Kg berapakah beratnya?.


3611 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

berat=volume balok x berat jenis

[tex]x = (1 \times 0.5 \times 2) \times 7850 \\ x = 1 \times 7850 \\ x = 7850kg \\ x = 7850 \times 0.46 \\ x = 3611 \: lbs[/tex]


17.065,22 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

P = m/v => m = P × v

P= massa jenis, V= Volume benda

Karna bendanya balok: V= P × L × T

= 1×0,5×2= 1 m³

Maka m = 7850 × 1 = 7850 Kg = 7850/0,46 lbs

= 17.065,22 lbs

20. 250 gram sama dengan berapa lbs?

250 gram sama dengan 0.551156 lbs

sama dengan 0,551156 udh setau aku itu

285 Lbs To Kg. There are any 285 Lbs To Kg in here.